This pain, directly converted into anger, made Fujii-sensei’s voice suddenly increase by several decibels.

“Quiet me down! , it’s exam time, and then there are noisy people, zero points to deal with! No school graduation! Fujii-sensei shouted sharply.

When it comes to zero point processing, especially not graduating from school, it is like moving out two big killers, directly making all the students in the classroom mute.

For a while, the birds were silent.

A smug light flashed under Fujii-sensei’s eyes.

“After all, it’s just some students, and they dare to fight me? Far from it! ”

Mr. Fujii shuddered in his heart, and then began to distribute the test papers, passing them from front to back.

As soon as Li Kai got the test paper, he immediately glanced at it to understand the content of the test paper.

“Mainly examines “Introduction to Ninjutsu”, “Frontiers of Modern Ninjutsu”, “Study of Hokage Works of Past Dynasties”, “Ninjutsu Research Methods”…”

The topic of ninja school should feel like the topic of the first Chinese, and it is more inclined to history, politics and so on.

With the mind of an adult like Li Kai, coupled with the hard work of Matkai before, the memory of various knowledge points is very firm.

Therefore, this level of examination, for him, is completely hand-to-hand, and it is difficult for him at all.

In the classroom, the sound of pens and paper sounded.

Some students are immersed in writing, some students are sad, and some students are calm and calm.

Not long after the exam began, some classmates began to exchange ears, wanting to plagiarize, or exchange information.

“Hmph! Anyone who plagiarized, as soon as he was caught, was immediately expelled from school! ”

A playful light flashed under Fujii-sensei’s eyes, and then he knocked on his crutches and said loudly.

It was as if he had been beaten last night, and now he has found a catharsis!

“Damn it, did Fujii eat gunpowder?”

“Usually in the exam, I open one eye and close one eye, why is it so strict today?”

“This is the end, I didn’t read “Introduction to Ninjaism with the Characteristics of the Land of Fire”.”

“Yes, I didn’t understand the “Ninjutsu Independent Research and Development Theory Guide” either.”

These students, who usually rely on plagiarism to mix up the exam, are now panicking all of a sudden.

“Hmph, look how I fix you.”

Fujii-sensei glanced around with a sneer.

“It is worthy of being a genius of the famous Qimu family, and it seems that the exam topics this time will not be difficult for him.”

When Fujii-sensei’s gaze swept over Kakashi, he couldn’t help but nod his head, revealing a hint of appreciation.

“And Asma also performed very well, sure enough, he is the son of the second generation Hokage-sama, which is powerful.”

“The Uchiha family, the Hyuga family, the Nara family… All good seedlings. ”

Fujii-sensei had a panoramic view of the entire classroom, and most of the students’ every move could not escape his eyes.

“As for the Wannian Crane Tail Matkai… Huh… Don’t let me catch you cheating, otherwise…”

Teacher Fujii decided to blame Li Kai for all the evil anger he was beaten last night.

Immediately, his gaze drifted over Ape Fei Asma and fell towards Li Kai.

In fact, even if Sarutobi Asma cheats and is seen by Fujii-sensei, Fujii will choose to ignore it and pretend not to see it.

But if Li Kai has a little change, I’m afraid that Mr. Fujii will pull Li Kai out.

That’s the difference!


When Mr. Fujii saw Li Kai, he found that Li Kai was calmly writing the test paper, and he couldn’t help but be stunned.

“Hehe, pretend to be quite similar, I’d rather see how long you can hold out.”

“As long as you cheat, I will catch you out, and then deal with zero points!”

Teacher Fujii had a plan in his heart, and he was ready to focus on Li Kai and grab Li Kai’s handle.

“Hehe, this time Matkay is unlucky.”

“I see if Matkai offended Fujii?”

“Regardless of our business, Fujii stares at Metkay, we have a chance to cheat.”

The students whispered, either indifferently, or puzzled, or gloating.

Li Kai glanced at Teacher Fujii casually, not caring much at all, and wrote the test paper with ease.

As a result, Fujii stared for most of the day, and Li Kai was still “unmoved” and did not cheat at all.

In fact, ninja schools are not completely resistant to cheating, on the contrary, they even secretly encourage cheating, because it is a method of obtaining intelligence and one of the most important skills of ninjas.

It’s just that cheating is skillful and don’t be discovered, so there are many students who cheat every exam, as long as the cheating method is standard, the invigilator will turn a blind eye.

After all, the students of the ninja school are still young, most of them are not even able to shinobi, no matter how superb their cheating skills are, how can they hide the eyes of the ninja.

“I’m done.”

Kiki Kakashi was the first to raise his hand.

“Didn’t you write it so quickly?”

“Worthy of Kakashi.”

The male students were surprised, and many female students lit up their eyes, revealing the look of a lost sister.


Fujii-sensei was slightly surprised, closed the paper, and then corrected it on the spot.

“Not bad, not bad, Kakashi got a high score of 90!”

Mr. Fujii said after correcting the test paper, with a hint of surprise in his tone.

This time the exam questions are not difficult, simple is not simple, can test 90 points is definitely a high score.

“90 points, oh my God…”

“It’s so devastated.”

“Worthy of the genius Kakashi!”

Kakashi, who scored 90 points, looked unmoving, as if he had expected it.

“Yes, Qimu Mingmen has produced a real genius, and this mind is comparable to that of an adult.” Fujii-sensei appreciated.

“Damn, this time the topic is too difficult.”

“It’s so stressful, how the hell did Kakashi do it, is he a monster?”

Immediately, some people handed in the papers one after another, and Fujii-sensei corrected them on the spot, and then loudly announced the results.

Some people are happy, most people are disappointed and do not do well.

“Ape Fly Asma 85 points!”

“Rin Nohara 80 points!”

“Hinata sunflower 82 points!”

“Uchiha Muhan 86 points!”

“Uchiha with soil 64 points!”


With the sound of Fujii announcing the results, it sounded again and again, and when the exam time was nearing the end, Li Kai Shiran stopped writing, and then slowly stepped forward and handed in the exam papers.

“Hmph, so slow, see how many points you can get.”

Fujii-sensei said bluntly.

Li Kai smiled slightly, turned back to his seat.

“Hahaha, with Matkai at the bottom, I’m not afraid.”

“Although I got an average exam, I will at least be high in Matkai, right?”

Some classmates who did poorly in the test laughed, making excuses for their inferiority and covering up their poor self-esteem.

“Look, this will be the first rise of the Benkai Emperor!”

Li Kai sneered in his heart, and then looked at Teacher Fujii who was changing his test paper with interest!

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