The moment the spiral pill was pressed, Li Kai only felt that he didn’t use any strength at all, and a hemispherical round pit appeared in the trunk.

On the surface of the round pit, it looks extremely smooth, but if you look closely, it seems that there are countless blades and cut marks.

“Yes, the internal chakra of the spiral pill, like countless chakra cutting lines, is ‘a thousand cuts’ in an instant, which is extremely terrifying.”

Li Kai was quite satisfied when he saw the destructive power of the spiral pill.

After all, this is only the first time he has really cast a spiral pill, whether it is the degree of stability or power, of course, it is the smallest state.

“Next, I can continue to cultivate the Spiral Pill to improve my control over Chakra.” Li Kai whispered.

In fact, Li Kai’s cultivation of the Spiral Pill was only to improve his ability to control Chakra.

For him, having mastered the Immortal Mode and the Eight Gates of Dun Jia, there was no need to do anything else.

At present, Li Kai is taking the specialized route, not the all-pass route.

Kakashi, Kiki in the original book, graduated from a ninja school at the age of five and became a shinobi, became a chu ninja at the age of six, and became an upper ninja at the age of twelve.

However, after obtaining the Sharingan, it dragged down his progress, and when he reached the progress of the original book, there was not much progress.

Although he is known as copying ninjas, writing wheel eye Kakashi, and copying thousands of ninjutsu, the most used is only his Raichet.

If nothing else, if Kiki Kakashi is obsessed with Kiki Daojutsu, he may be another Konoha White Fang.

Of course, this is just speculation, and the Sharingan naturally has the strength of the Sharingan, which is incomparable.

In the process of focusing on cultivation, time flies exceptionally fast.

After another dozen days, Li Kai found Matt Dai and wanted to go out on a mission with him.

You know, dozens of days ago, Tuan Zang once targeted Mat Dai, and Li Kai still remembers it in his heart.

“Although it is not possible to directly solve Tuanzang, it can still be done by letting the ‘root’ of Tuanzang lose blood once.” Li Kai thought to himself.

Mater Dai was still reluctant and did not want Li Kai to go out of the village with him on a mission.

“Akai, you are still in the cultivation stage, and it is not suitable to go out of the village. For the task of execution, your lead teacher will take you to the task when you adapt. Matt Dai said seriously.

Li Kai rubbed his eyebrows, how did he find out that this cheap daddy was a little overprotective of him.

There was no way, Li Kai had to show part of his strength.

“The first gate of the Eight Gates of Dun Jia… Open the door! Open!! ”

Li Kai began to open the eight-door dunjia.

“Oh? Want me to see your cultivation results? Good, I’m looking forward to it. ”

Seeing this, Mater Dai’s thick eyebrows immediately followed

At the same time, he thought to himself: “Akai started cultivating the Eight Gates of Dun Jia, and in a few months, he probably opened the first few doors of the Eight Gates of Dun Jia?” Closed doors, or? ”

“The second gate of the eight doors of Dun Jia… Closed! Open!! ”

“The third gate of the Eight Gates of Dun Jia…! Open!! ”

Two more doors of the eight Dun Jia were opened in a row, and Li Kai’s body surface spewed out green energy flames.

“Oooo Not bad, Akai, you are amazing, you actually opened the eight doors of Dun Jia to the third door in a short period of time! ”

Mater Dai suddenly burst into tears, looking extremely excited.

Li Kai glanced at Mater Dai wordlessly, and then continued to open the door.

“The fourth gate of the Eight Gates of Dun Jia… Hurt the door! Open!! ”

Suddenly, an even more powerful aura, centered on Li Kai, spread out in all directions, and there was a powerful sweeping trend.

It is said that when it comes to the injured door, it is the true sense that it has entered the state of the eight-door dunjia, which is not unreasonable.

At the same time, after opening the door of injury, under normal circumstances, the body will begin to suffer.

“The fourth gate of the Eight Gates of Dun Jia – the wounded door!?”

Seeing this, Matt Dai was suddenly shocked, and while gasping for air, there was more surprise under his eyes.

However, it is not over yet, and unexpected things are still happening.

“The fifth gate of the eight doors of Dun Jia… Dumen! Open!! ”


The green qi was like a raging fire, as if it was surging, the energy was stirring, the wind was wanton, and Li Kai’s skin finally appeared bloodshot red.

At this time, Li Kai’s strength, physical strength, speed, etc., and the values of all aspects of his body were doubled again.

“The fifth gate of the eight doors of Dun Jia… Dumen!? ”

At this moment, Mater Dai was really taken aback, and even a little shocked.

“Hahaha, it’s worthy of being my Materdai’s son! Good, good, really excellent! ”

Mater Dai laughed and wanted to give Li Kai a bear hug.

Brush it up!

Li Kai’s movements were so fast that he left one afterimage after another in place, so that Mater Dai could not hold him.

“I finally dodged this cheap dad’s bear hug.”

Li Kai felt that he was a little moved, and he had been full of resentment for the bear hug worn by Mat Dai before, but he couldn’t avoid it every time.

This time, he opened the five doors of the eight doors of Dun Jia, and naturally easily avoided the bear hug that Mat Dai.

Then, Li Kai withdrew from the state of the eight doors and closed all five doors that were opened.

“Well, now, I can accompany you to the mission outside the village, right?” The corners of Li Kai’s mouth turned up slightly.

“There is no problem, it has been opened to the fifth door of the eight doors of Dun Jia, which is enough to have the ability to protect itself.” Matterday was still immersed in joy and said loudly.

“Then without further ado, let’s hurry up and go get the mission.”

Li Kai and Matt Dai came to the place where the task was received.

In fact, in Konoha Village, most of them are several task receiving points that can receive or post tasks.

As for the task personally assigned by the third generation Hokage, it is also a privilege that Naruto Uzumaki, the protagonist in the original book, will have.

Otherwise, with the third generation of Hokage’s daily management, how could any task be released by him.

Unless it is that kind of S-class, the task related to the major events of the village, and the interference is very large, it will be issued by the third generation Hokage himself, or even personally assigned a ninja to carry out the mission.

In addition, tasks are actually received at the mission distribution point in the village.

Among the many tasks, Li Kai chose a C-level mission, the content of which was to send an intelligence to a certain village.

This village is still quite far from Konoha Village.

“I deliberately chose a mission that will be far away from Konoha Village, such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, Danzo, will you miss it?” Li Kai thought secretly, and a cold light flashed under his eyes. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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