The Forest of Death is like a terrifying beast, surrounded and imprisoned by Konoha Village with an iron net.

The shinobi of each hidden village saw the scene inside the forest of death through the tall, rusty iron net.

It was dark, as if the sun had not been seen all year round, and the trees were towering and shading the daylight, like the oldest primeval forest in the past.

Even standing outside the Forest of Death, everyone could still hear the roar of the ferocious beast from the Forest of Death.

“Capture the scroll, then survive in the Forest of Death for three days, and finally assemble in the middle of the Forest of Death, where the final qualifiers of the Chu Shinobi Exam are held.”

The examiner explained the second exam succinctly.

The lower Shinobi from various hidden villages couldn’t help but turn a little pale.

“Hahaha, what an interesting exam.” Jehuo laughed loudly.

“What if there are casualties in the Forest of Death?” Oyama asked.

“Life or death!” The examiner said in a deep voice.

“So, if you want to abstain, hurry up, because once you play the second game, your life will not be guaranteed.”

“Life or death? So, it’s okay to kill in the Forest of Death? Je Huo laughed, and killing intent appeared under his eyes.

The examiner glanced at the fire and did not answer, but did not deny it.

In fact, among the candidates, they had already mixed in with the upper ninja arranged by the big snake pill, in order to be responsible for killing in the second exam, and wanted to kill several “important” ninjas such as Iwain Village and Wuyin Village.

Therefore, in the opinion of the examiner, Jeopardy, Dashan, Han and others are now similar to dead people.

“Now for everyone to think about it, we’ll distribute the scrolls later.” The examiner said, flashed and sat down on the roof to rest.

The various Shinobi began to discuss.

After all, the second exam is still a group, and it is impossible to do it on individual wishes alone.

To proceed to the second exam, it must be based on the wishes of three people in the group.

“Kai, what do you say?”

“Are we going to continue to participate?”

Sunset Red and Yue Xiyan asked.

“I don’t have a problem, what about you?” Li Kai replied.

“As long as Kai has no problems, we have no problems.” The second daughter replied categorically.

Li Kai said: “Don’t worry, stay by my side, I will protect you.” ”

Sunset Hong and Yue Xiyan nodded.

“Discussed team, please collect the scroll here.” The examiner said.

Li Kai went to retrieve the scroll, and the result was the word scroll.

“That is, I’m going to get the Scroll of the Word, Kai thought to himself.

The lower Shinobi who arrived at the second examination room were rare, and one by one they stepped forward to receive the scrolls.

Li Kai specially paid attention to the lower patience of the three Yanyin villages of Jeopardy and Dashan, and I don’t know if it was a coincidence, the scroll they obtained was a ground scroll.

“This is really fate, and there is one more reason to attack you.” Li Kai thought to himself.

Li Kai could not hide, and even took the initiative to light up the Tianzi scroll.

Suddenly, Li Kai and the others became hot.

Because the general team, after getting the scroll, will immediately put it away, and will not reveal whether the scroll is heavenly or earthly.

Li Kai suddenly revealed that he possessed the Heavenly Word Scroll, which was equivalent to attracting the attention of all the owners of the Earth Word Scroll.

It was as if the wolves had set their sights on a piece of fat.

“Han, when I enter the Forest of Death, I want to burn that person to ashes!” Jue Huo tilted his head and said to Han, a pair of eyes looking at Li Kai’s gaze, revealing a bloodthirsty color.

“Pay attention to proportion, don’t burn the whole forest.” Han said calmly.

“This time I will let the ninja of Konoha Village, none of them become Naka Shinobi!” Han said.

“Of course, this is an S-class mission given to us by Lord Tsuchikage, hahaha…” said Oyama.

After a while, the second exam began.

The examiner took out the key, then opened the iron gate outside the Forest of Death, and let the student with the scroll enter.

Needless to say, those subordinate ninjas from all over the ninja world rushed into the forest of death like a fish.

None of them like to waste too much physical strength and be beaten and ambushed by the crowd at the beginning of the exam, so everyone is super vigilant and separates as quickly as possible to avoid the worst.

Li Kai, Xi Rihong, Yue Xiyan and the other three also entered the Forest of Death.

After participating in this Zhongnin Exam, all of them entered the Forest of Death with their respective scrolls, and the examiner slowly closed the iron net door.

“A team of three upper Shinobi, I think no one is their opponent, hehe, Iwain Shinobu? Even if you don’t know what your purpose is, or if you hide your strength, so what, you still have to die in the forest of death. ”

The examiner couldn’t help but sneer when he looked at a group of three people with fairly ordinary backs and disappeared into the forest of death.

Those three people are the three upper Shinobi from the dark department!

And their target is the three shinobi of Iwahide Village, Jeonghuo, Oyama and Han, and a few other ninjas.


Not long after Li Kai, Xi Rihong, and Yue Xiyan entered the Forest of Death, they were immediately surrounded by a group of Shinobi.

Obviously, it was Li Kai who revealed the Tianzi scroll before the exam and attracted their arrival.

“Hand over the Celestial Scroll in your hands, I can spare you!” The leader Shinobu said.

Li Kai yawned and said, “So, the scroll in your hand is a zigzag scroll?” ”

“Yes and how?”

“Fortunately, save me the trouble of going to find you.” Li Kai said.

The other party is a ninja from Kusanagi Village, Li Kai doesn’t have to do it at all, and the two daughters who have experienced Uchiha Mikoto and his training of Sunset Red and Yueyue Xiyan easily leveled them.

A moment later.

Li Kai held the Heavenly Scroll in one hand and the Earth Scroll in the other, and they had completed the task.

“Red, sunset, with your strength now, you should be close to special patience.” Li Kai put away the Heavenly Scroll and the Earth Scroll and then looked at the second daughter and said.

This kind of progress is already amazing, after all, not everyone is as perverted as Li Kai and Kiki Kakashi.

It is already very remarkable to be able to become a middle ninja in his teens, and even close to special upper patience.

“So what’s next?”

“That’s right, our mission has been accomplished.” The second daughter asked.

“Living in the Forest of Death for three days is naturally not difficult for us, after all, any one of you can deal with the beasts in the Forest of Death.”

“But three days is still a long time, and I want to have some fun, such as seeing the ninjas of Iwahide Village or something.” _

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