As far as Luo Xiaoman knows, looking at the entire mortal world, and even the two realms of immortals, magic weapons that can control the flow of time are generally rare.

Every piece taken out can cause a **** storm, and the lives will be disheartened.

"Xiaoling." Luo Xiaoman stood aside, raised his hand to touch his smooth chin, and secretly said, "Do you know the origin of this cultivation tower?"

Even though the little spirits are now possessed by Feng Linghua, they can still communicate with each other through spiritual thoughts.

"I know! This is a nine-story Linglong pagoda." Xiao Ling's voice sounded in her mind, "It is an ancient fairy, a magic weapon for Linglong."

"Do you really know?"

"Of course." Xiao Ling said triumphantly: "Don't forget, I am your encyclopedia."

Luo Xiaoman blinked, Xiao Ling does know a lot, but this guy feels to himself that the years he has lived are not as good as the nine-story pagoda, right?

"Little master, I want to eat a lollipop."


"Have you forgotten your previous promise?"

"How is it possible?" Luo Xiaoman rolled his eyes, and then took out a lollipop from the Xumi space and threw it to Xiao Ling. "Your current identity is Feng Linghua. You can eat lollipops now Do you want to be exposed?"

"Relax! Right now, that pervert is not there."


Luo Xiaoman was startled slightly, and he understood that this pervert should be Yuan Cheng.

She couldn't help but shiver, couldn't imagine what Xiao Ling had experienced?

"Xiaoling, I think I will give you one more lollipop for a week."


"You have worked hard."

"Master, what did you say... Ah, he's here." Xiao Ling said in a flustered tone, "I'll contact you later."

Suddenly, Luo Xiaoman felt that he had broken contact with Xiao Ling.

She shook her head and put her eyes on the blue figure in front of the cultivation tower.

Lan Xi stood in front of the cultivation tower, her eyes condensed deeply, staring at the towering cultivation tower in front of him.

He took a deep breath, and walked over.

"It's going to start!"

"I don't know which level can be reached with Junior Brother Lan's qualifications?"

"I think four layers are enough!"

Everyone talked a lot, staring scorchingly at the changes in the cultivation tower.

The moment Lan Xi stepped into the cultivation tower, the first floor lit up, emitting a soft white light.

However, everyone did not respond. After all, the first layer is the most basic, and only the higher it goes, the harder it becomes.

"Wow, the second layer is lit up!"

"Is it so fast? I thought I would stay at least a quarter of an hour."

At this time, everyone's faces finally showed a hint of surprise.

However, just after the surprise was over here, they saw that the third floor was lit up again.

"Let me go! This speed is too fast, right? I remember when the Sect Master made the third floor light up, but it took a full hour."

However, Lan Xi not only didn't need an hour, it was even faster than the speed at which the second layer could light up.

They seem to be able to imagine that when Lan Xi entered the cultivation tower, he was a little uncomfortable. When he got used to it, the speed also increased.

For a while, everyone looked forward to it, waiting for the fourth floor to light up.

Following the heated discussion, more and more people rushed over to witness that Lan Xi was able to break the record set by the suzerain.

Not only that, even Miao Lin, Xiao Chen, and Yuan Cheng were shocked.

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