"Drink!" Luo Xiaoman yelled, the surrounding light dimmed in an instant, but he also swallowed this layer of spiritual energy.

"You, you actually swallowed up this layer of spiritual energy!?" Lan Xi was dumbfounded, looking at Luo Xiaoman in disbelief.

"Sorry!" Luo Xiaoman shrugged and said with a smile: "You can't continue to practice here now."

Lan Xi was speechless!

There is no spiritual energy here, what the **** is he still practicing? What's more, people have no obligation to keep a little bit of the aura absorbed by their strength!

"Let's go!" Luo Xiaoman waved his hand, and then walked towards an entrance.

"When did you find this entrance?" Lan Xi was startled. Luo Xiaoman found the entrance that he couldn't find for so long.

Luo Xiaoman didn't bother to pay attention to him, and swaggered into the fifth floor...


Outside, everyone exclaimed!

They widened their eyes and watched the fifth floor light up.

However, the light that lit up was not white, but yellow.

This means that Luo Xiaoman is the first to step onto the fifth floor!

"I didn't expect it! The first person to set foot on the fifth floor turned out to be Junior Brother Bai."

They exclaimed again and again. Just now they laughed at Bai Yan for not being able to set foot on the fourth floor. As a result, they now directly boarded the fifth floor and slapped themselves severely.

"Junior Brother Bai not only reached the fifth floor, but also broke the record of the Sect Master!"

"But why am I so upset?"

Everyone agrees.

After all, Bai Yan is too arrogant, too arrogant, if the strength is still so strong, wouldn't it be that his nose will be up to the sky?

Yuan Cheng sighed, looking excitedly at the illuminated fifth floor.

Their Xuanzong finally produced a peerless evildoer!

"Sect Master, do you feel uncomfortable?" Xiao Chen glanced at Yuan Cheng and said with a faint smile: "Your record was just broken by Bai Yan."

"Heh, what's uncomfortable." Yuan Cheng shook his head, and said dismissively: "The record I set has been maintained for many years. If it doesn't break, it means that Xuanzong has always stayed in place. ."

Hearing what he said, Xiao Chen couldn't help sighing inwardly, Yuan Cheng is a very large person and doesn't stick to small details.

"Sect Master, you are right! Before, we Xuanzong had been standing still, but now we finally see a glimmer of hope."

Listening to the conversation between the two of them, Feng Linghua almost praised the little master, thinking that the little master was a rare enchanting genius in Xuanzong.

If they knew that the little master was greedily devouring the spiritual energy of the cultivation tower in order to destroy Xuanzong, he would probably cry to death.

"Huh, the fifth floor is lit up with white light again?!"

"Haha, Junior Brother Lan is also very good. He actually followed in the footsteps of Junior Brother Bai!"

Everyone looked at the fifth layer in surprise, and they were very eye-catching under the entwined radiance of the yellow and white lights.

They understood that this was the light of Xuanzong's pride and hope.

Soon, the light of the fifth layer disappeared again.

They were dumbfounded, could it be that Bai Yanlian's perception of the fifth layer was penetrated? Is this too exaggerated?

However, this is not an exaggeration to Luo Xiaoman.

"Fifth floor, get it done!" At this moment, Luo Xiaoman stretched out and walked to the sixth floor.

Lan Xi's expression was complicated, and she didn't expect Bai Yan to step onto the sixth floor so easily.

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