Everyone was full of surprises. If it weren't for them, what happened to the purple light now?

Feng Linghua frowned and looked worriedly at the top of the cultivation tower. She knew that this purple light was from the little master.

Here, the young master talent is the purple qualification!

However, with the character of the little master, she cannot expose herself in such a high profile, which means that they are likely to have something wrong.

"Little Master, are you okay?" He couldn't help but secretly communicated with Luo Xiaoman through divine consciousness.

However, he was surprised to find that he had broken contact with the little master!

"Little master, don't have any trouble!"



When Luo Xiaoman stepped into the entrance of the ninth floor, a stone gate appeared, blocking her way.

"Huh?" Luo Xiaoman frowned, looking at this stone gate with a look of confusion, "There is no such stone gate on the eighth floors. What is the situation now?"

She thought, then raised her hand and put it on it.

When Luo Xiaoman's hand was placed on it, a tyrannical force invaded...

Her mind tightened, and quickly withdrew her hand, backing to Lan Xi's side, looking at this strange stone gate with a look of surprise.

"Baiyan, what's the matter?" Lan Xi couldn't help asking in doubt when he saw Luo Xiaoman's expression different.

"It seems that the ninth floor is different from the others." Luo Xiaoman squinted his eyes and said in a deep voice: "We have to open this stone gate if we want to go to the ninth floor."

"Shimen?" Lan Xi looked over, and really saw a thick stone gate appeared at the innermost level, sealing the entrance to the ninth floor.

He pondered for a while, then lifted up and walked over.

"Kid Lan Xi, you have to be careful." Luo Xiaoman twitched the corner of his mouth and reminded: "This stone gate is not simple. It seems to counteract anyone who touches it."

Lan Xi glanced at Luo Xiaoman. Even though he reminded himself so, he couldn't bear the curiosity in his heart and walked over.

He didn't want to be led by Luo Xiaoman all the time, but also wanted to prove himself.

Luo Xiaoman squinted his eyes with a solemn expression, and then took out a handful of... melon seeds!

With a click.

She knocked a melon seed and looked at Lan Xi calmly.

The current situation of this stone gate is unknown, and it is not bad to have this guy try.

"What are you doing?" Lan Xi couldn't help looking back when he heard the abnormal noise, but saw Luo Xiaoman eating something.

"It has nothing to do with you." Luo Xiaoman graciously knocked another melon seed.

Lan Xi twitched the corners of his mouth, then turned around and ignored Luo Xiaoman.

He can't let this guy look down on him.

He raised his hand and gently touched Shimen.


Suddenly, he felt a force coming over.

This force came swiftly, almost like a tide, irresistible.

Lan Xi wanted to withdraw his hand, but his reaction was a little slower than Luo Xiaoman's, but he was rushed straight by this force.

There was a hum.

Suddenly, a blue ray of light lit up, and was absorbed by this stone gate.

However, this blue light was only absorbed for a while, and Lan Xi was shaken out.

Luo Xiaoman raised his eyebrows, how did he feel that this Shimen was disgusting Lan Xi?

If this is the case, would it be necessary to achieve a certain qualification to be able to open this stone gate?

"Child Lan Xi, are you okay?" Luo Xiaoman curled his lips and looked at the man sitting on the ground with a joking expression.

Lan Xi was embarrassed, gritted her teeth, and said, "Baiyan, this Shimen seems to be testing my aptitude just now. However, my blue aptitude can't be recognized by it?!"

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