The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1082: Destiny that cannot be escaped!

"It's really not easy for you two to take care of your disabled sister under these conditions." Luo Xiaoman found a place and sat down casually, with a lazy face and no worries about what happened next. thing.

"By the way, what about your father?"

"Dead!" Speaking of her father, Lan Xi's expression was very calm: "When I was just sensible and my mother was pregnant with Xiaoni, he died on the battlefield, leaving me, Xiaoni and Mother. Stay alive."

Heima Town, close to the frontier, often has soldiers coming to recruit.

Young and strong men are naturally the objects of conscription. In those years, Hongnan Kingdom and Zhu Yanguo broke out wars from time to time, leaving the frontiers in a state of turmoil, that is, after the prince took control of the borders, the situation improved.

"Originally, I thought the three of us could live this life safely. But who knows, a disaster ruined everything."

Having said this, Lan Xi's eyes flashed with resentment, and her body trembled uncontrollably.

"This is fate." Luo Xiaoman sighed, raised his ponytail, and said with a look of sorrow: "You long for a peaceful life, but destiny has pushed you into the abyss of immortality."

Lan Xi is like this, why is she herself?

She thought that she would take the responsibility of eliminating demons and defending the way and defending justice as her own responsibility in her life, but she never expected that she was fortunate enough to get a divine weapon, but it caused a murder.

If the person who harmed herself is a person in the magic way, she has nothing to say, but the person who harmed her is the person in the right way that she has always defended!

In order to seize the divine weapon, they showed her greedy fangs. They did not care about morality, fraud and calculation, and forced her into a desperate situation.

Not only her, but even her best friend, sacrificed while protecting her.

Thinking of this, Luo Xiaoman took out the Blue Emperor Jade Order, a trace of sadness appeared in his eyes...

"Xiao Ni, come, have fish soup!!" At this moment, Xiao Lanxi trot over with the fish soup in both hands.

"Brother, have you drunk with your mother?" Lan Ni asked suspiciously, flapping her big eyes. She was so cute that people liked her.

"Xiao Ni, don't worry. My brother caught a big fish today, enough for us to eat and drink." Xiao Lanxi brought the fish soup to Lan Ni.

He picked up a spoon, took a sip of fish soup carefully, blew it gently, and delivered it to Lenny's mouth.

Lenny sipped her sip, feeling the sweetness of the fish soup and her brother's love: "Brother, I feel so happy now. Although my legs are disabled, you and my mother are the best given to me by God. What's your gift!"

"Xiao Ni, what are you talking about? Anyway, my brother will definitely find a way to heal your feet. Then, my brother will take you to catch fish, to catch the little rabbit..."

At this moment, there was a noise from outside.

"Hey, why is it so noisy outside?" Lenny frowned and said with a puzzled look.

Lan Xi, who was beside him, felt tight and clenched his fists. He knew that his nightmare was coming.

"Xiao Xi, hurry up! Take Xiao Ni, and run up the mountain quickly!!!" At this moment, their mother's voice came, "You...Ah!!!"

"Mother!" Xiao Lanxi's heart was shocked, then she put down the fish soup and rushed out.

"No!!" Lan Xi's heart was shocked, and he shouted in panic: "Don't go out!"

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