The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1088: Are you Luo frivolous? !

Lan Xi was startled slightly and looked at Luo Xiaoman blankly.

At this moment, he felt an awe-inspiring aura emanating from Luo Xiaoman's petite body.

This momentum is so powerful and so lonely, like a bloodthirsty lone wolf.


At this time, an enchanting figure flew out from a fairy mansion.

She was wearing a red dress, three thousand green silks spread out like a waterfall, swaying wildly in the wind, that stunning face seemed to be able to eclipse the world.

The most shocking thing is that the powerful aura emanating from her body has caused Lan Xi's heart to stop beating for an instant!

"Luo frivolous, you can't escape!!" At the same time, a man in battle armor chased out from the fairy mansion and shouted: "As long as you hand over the magic ring, we can forgive You die!"

The voice fell, and a group of figures chased out from the fairy house.

They stepped on the clouds with their swords, each showing their magical powers, and quickly chased Luo frivolously!

"Want to phantom ring, dream!!" Luo Qingkang squinted his eyes tightly, and his figure moved, speeding up to the mountains ahead.

In front, there is a misty mountain range, with complex terrain inside, which might be able to get rid of these guys.

Seeing this, Lan Xi's heart trembled, looking at Luo Xiaoman with shock.

"Could it, you are the reincarnation of Luo frivolous?!"

No matter how you look at it, this place is the legendary ethereal world of immortals, and these people flying in the air, the aura that exudes from their bodies is majestic, besides the fairy, who can have such a powerful aura?

Lan Xi swallowed, her body trembling with excitement.

He doesn't think this is his own fantasy world. Since it is not his own fantasy world, it is Luo Xiaoman's fantasy world.


Bai Yan turned out to be the reincarnation of Luo frivolous!

No wonder her aptitude is so against the sky, and her cultivation is so shocking!

"Child Lan Xi, what are you going to do now?" Luo Xiaoman squinted his eyes, staring at Lan Xi, and said meaningfully: "You said to the Sect Master before that you want to kill my devil!"

Lan Xi was taken aback, looking at Luo Xiaoman with a complicated expression. In the eyes of Xuanzong's disciples, Luo frivolous was a heinous female demon!

However, now he knew that the other side of Xuanzong was a slight change in his view of Luo frivolous.

You can't look at the surface of everything, maybe what you see is not necessarily the truth, the truth is often hidden behind!

"I want to witness with my own eyes that Luo Qingkang is the female devil who has troubled the Three Realms, or has another secret!" Lan Xi gritted his teeth and said firmly.

"Oh, kid Lan Xi, you've got the hang of it!" Luo Xiaoman hooked his lips and smiled lightly.

"Can you stop the kid, the kid calls me?" Lan Xi frowned and said with a dissatisfaction.

He is a seven-foot man at any rate, and he was caught by a young boy...wait! She is the reincarnation of Luo frivolous, so...

"Are you a girl?!"

"Wow, I was discovered by you!" Luo Xiaoman shook his head and said helplessly: "I am so perfect in disguise, but I was still seen through, it seems that I need to continue to improve it!"

Lan Xi's face twitched. What is the problem of disguise? Luo Qingkuan is a girl, aren't you also a girl? Could it still be a boy?

"Also, do you think it's too much for me, someone who has been over a hundred years, to call you a kid?"

Lan Xi was taken aback again, saying that, it seemed that there was nothing wrong with it...

"Come on, let's catch up!" Luo Xiaoman turned around, looked at the misty mountains, and said domineeringly: "Let you see what a fairy is!!"

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