The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1099: Put a nine-fold seal!


The Demon Lord spit out a mouthful of blood, his expression wilted and his breath weakened a lot. Although he was invincible, under such a frenzied outbreak, coupled with the fact that he had just left the customs, the demon was unstable, and on the contrary suffered a very serious internal injury.

Seeing such a demon master, Luo Xiaoman's eyes trembled, as if his heart was tightly grasped by a hand.

Yuan, you did so much for me behind your back!

Once, she exterminated the demons and defended the way, was a firm defender who guarded the right way, and was a mortal enemy with the demons and did not communicate with each other.

Now, she saw the demon master who was once regarded as an enemy by herself. For her righteous person, she would be hurt to enter the ethereal world and slaughter the **** and Buddha!

"This fool..." Luo Xiaoman shook his head with a bitter smile, and couldn't help but think of each other's first sight. It was an unpleasant memory.

However, when I think about it now, I can find that this fool was panicked and at a loss.

Because I like it, I'm at a loss.

He knew that she hated the demon world, so he chose to hide behind and guard her silently.

She suddenly remembered many times, when she encountered danger, but inexplicably survived the situation, now it seems that this fool must be secretly guarding.

"Crazy, don't worry, I must have slaughtered the entire misty fairy world and avenge you!" The demon master raised his hand to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth, and slowly raised his head, his eyes flashed with cold cold light.

"Roar!!" Feeling the master's anger, the ancient magic dragon couldn't help roaring, shaking the space.


At this moment, a white dragon appeared and bit the neck of the ancient dragon in one bite.

"Roar!!" The desolate ancient magic dragon howled in pain, and fell heavily on the misty mountain range. This fall caused countless fairy beasts to die tragically.

Suddenly, a burst of fairy music sounded, and a white figure slowly landed.

"The devil, don't come here unharmed."

"The Supreme Immortal?!"

The demon master squinted his eyes tightly, staring at the figure surrounded by white light.

This is the first person in the ethereal world, the Supreme Immortal Venerable!

"You surprised the deity, you can actually break through the five decay of heaven and man. However, before you have a solid foundation, you forcibly break through the enchantment of the second world of immortals and demons, and go to war, I am afraid that the injury is very serious now."

"Heh, so what? The deity can kill your ethereal world like that!"

"is it?"

Suddenly, the Supreme Immortal Venerable's figure moved and appeared in front of the demon master.

The next moment, he raised his hand, grabbed a beam of light, and slammed it into the heart of the demon master.

"how about this?"

"No!" Luo Xiaoman's mind tightened and couldn't help exclaiming.

At this moment, she realized that the Supreme Immortal Venerable used the Zhaoxian drum not only to besiege herself, but to deliberately arouse the demon master's killing intent to make it self-defeating.

This is a game arranged by the Supreme Immortal!

A game that hurts the demon lord at the expense of countless immortals!


Another beam of light pierced the body of the demon master.

The devil's eyes widened and wanted to resist, but he couldn't mobilize the demon in his body.

"The deity will place nine seals in your body. At that time, you will fall into the mortal world and become an ordinary person." The Supreme Immortal said lightly: "However, when you unlock the ninth seal, you will Completely disintegrated and vanished in smoke."

The pupil of the demon lord shrank, and just as he was about to raise his hand, he was shaken out by the Supreme Immortal.

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