"Transformation, transformation stage?!"

"Junior Brother Lan broke through to the first level of the Transformation Stage, how is this possible?"

Even the elders present, few can reach the realm of the **** transformation stage, but now it has been achieved by a newcomer, which is really incredible.

Seeing this, Miao Lin's heart couldn't help shaking.

She couldn't think that Lan Xi had reached the strength of the **** transformation stage at such an age. In the future, there is definitely a great probability of breaking through the shackles and emerging as quickly as possible.

At that time, she will be the first elder to teach a fairy disciple in Xuanzong's history!


Finally, the movement of Lan Xi's body stopped, and his cultivation level also stopped at the first level of the transformation stage.

Compared to others, such an improvement is simply unique, unprecedented!

Even the well-informed elders and the Sect Master have never seen anyone able to break through nine realms in such a short period of time.

"Lan Xi, you really did not disappoint being a teacher." Miao Lin smiled and walked over.

Lan Xi looked at Miao Lin, a cold light flashed in her eyes, making Miao Lin's smile instantly froze.

"Lan Xi, what's wrong with you?" Miao Lin frowned and asked with a puzzled look.

At the moment, she felt that Lan Xi showed a trace of murder to herself!

"Elder Miao..."


Lan Xi had just spoken on this side, but the nine-story Linglong Pagoda had another strange appearance.

In the sky, a snow-white monster exuding the might of the Beastmaster appeared, roaring frantically.

At the same time, another fiery red figure appeared, dragging three tails, rolling the hot flames, and swelling around, as if burning this piece of heaven and earth.

"This is... Beast King Bai Ze, and Vulcan Chi Sha?!" Yuan Cheng's pupils shrank suddenly, exclaiming.

These two guardian spirit beasts were originally Luo's frivolous exclusive spirit beasts.

But why did they appear in Xuanzong?

Suddenly, his mind trembled, and he thought of a possibility, that Bai Yan was the reincarnation of Luo Qing Kuang!


At this time, the nine-story Linglong Pagoda vibrated violently. With bursts of light shining, the tower body kept shrinking and finally became the size of a palm.

At the same time, an extraordinary figure flashed out, grabbing the nine-story Linglong Pagoda in his hand.

"Master Bai?!"

"Hahaha, our Lord Bai is back!"

Ji Yuanxun, Fan Ma and the others could not help cheering when they saw the visitors clearly.

"I knew that Lord Bai would be fine!"

"Wait! Did Lord Bai refine the cultivation tower?"

Hearing what Fan Ma said, everyone's minds tightened, and they showed a dazed look!

Lan Xi, got the inheritance of the training tower, and quickly broke through!

However, Bai Yan was more ruthless, but he took the training tower!

In this way, wouldn't Xuanzong no longer have a cultivation tower? !

But is this possible?

This is the magic weapon of ancient immortals, but it was taken by a mortal?

"Encircle him for me!" At this moment, Yuan Cheng stood up and stared at Luo Xiaoman gloomily.

"Why?" Ji Yuanxun frowned and looked at him questioningly, "Junior Brother Bai refined the cultivation tower. It was his chance. We can't blame him, right?"

"Yes indeed!"

Many disciples who followed Luo Xiaoman spoke for her one after another!

"Hmph, he is the reincarnation of Luo frivolous!!" Yuan Cheng curled his lips and said coldly, "Is this reason enough?"

Everyone was stunned!

Their Lord Bai turned out to be the reincarnation of Luo frivolous? !

how is this possible?

However, Yuan Cheng would not slander Bai Yan as Luo's frivolous reincarnation for the sake of a cultivation tower!

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