"It's really against you!" Yuan Cheng glared at Luo Xiaoman anxiously. He had no idea that these outer disciples would betray the sect.

Once, he thought that the sect had accepted an incredible disciple, who was also a purple aptitude, and he was conquering the cultivation tower, but now he found that he had taken a terrifying evil!

How evil she is, how evil she is!

Luo Xiaoman first pretended to be a white face, mixed into Xuanzong with great potential, and then used his own advantages to win people's hearts, disintegrate Xuanzong from it, and let the whole sect fall apart!

"Luo Xiaoman, today my Xuanzong will be with you forever!!" Yuan Cheng waved his hand and shouted violently: "Array, sacrifice the demonic pestle!"

For a while, many elders and deacons lined up to surround Luo Xiaoman and others.

They held the devil pestle in their hands, as if they were about to release the evil spirits.


At this moment, there was a roar, which was the sound of the opening of the guarding formation.

"What's the situation?!" Yuan Cheng was stunned, looking blankly at the opening of the mountain protection formation slowly, "Who removed the mountain protection formation?"

"It's me!!" Feng Linghua walked over with a grin, akimbo, looking at Yuan Cheng contemptuously, "It's the mountain guard that I removed!"

"Linghua, why are you..."

"Bah!" Feng Linghua sipped, and said with contempt: "I am not your Linghua!"

"What?!" Yuan Cheng was stunned, then saw Feng Linghua picking her **** and standing beside Luo Xiaoman.

"Listen well! Luo Xiaoman is my master!!"

Yuan Cheng's eyes sank, and his heart was chaotic. He had no idea that Luo Xiaoman had arranged such a round!

She not only separated the Xuanzong disciple and took away the cultivation tower, but also controlled Feng Linghua!

He felt like he was being played with applause!

"I won't kill you, I swear not to be human!!" Yuan Cheng yelled, his aura burst out, and he rushed towards Luo Xiaoman quickly.

However, Luo Xiaoman looked at him calmly, unmoved at all.

At this moment, a red figure flashed over and stood in front of Yuan Cheng.

With a bang!

This red figure threw a fist and attacked. Yuan Cheng hurriedly made a punch against it, and the powerful impact sent him away.

Yuan Cheng gritted his teeth and quickly stabilized his figure, looking at the person in front of him with a look of surprise, "You are the Lord of the Devil, Zhong Li?!"

"Yuancheng, today your Xuanzong is destined to become history." Zhong Li hooked his lips, flicked his red sleeves, and said mockingly: "Now the entire Xuanzong is surrounded by our demons!"

Hearing this, Yuan Cheng's heart trembled, and finally understood why Feng Linghua wanted to start the mountain protection formation, but she wanted to let the evil spirits in.

"Haha." He laughed idiotically. He couldn't think of Xuanzong, who had been low-key, but under the calculation of such a little guy, he walked into the abyss step by step.

He suddenly remembered that when he first saw Baiyan, he felt that this young man gave himself a very strange feeling.

He wasn't sure what it was like before, thinking it was because the other person had an extraordinary aptitude, but now he knows it. This is a dangerous feeling!

"All the disciples listen to the order, kill me!!" Yuan Cheng let out an angry roar, and then took the lead in killing Zhong Li.


At the same time, the demons also killed them from outside.

They yelled, waved the weapons in their hands, and killed the people of Xuanzong.

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