
When the voice fell, Lan Xi burst into a powerful aura.

Miao Lin's heart trembled, and under this momentum, she trembled.

Her strength is only in the Nascent Soul Stage, so how can she withstand Lan Xi's Spiritual Transformation Stage?

"Lan Xi, I, I saved you somehow!" Miao Lin exclaimed.

"Save me?" Lan Xi squinted her eyes and walked towards Miao Lin step by step. "You are just trying to prevent my grievances from turning into evil thoughts! If you didn't think I could live, you would kill me on the spot!"

"Ah!!!" Miao Lin's pupils shrank, knowing that she could not escape, she screamed and rushed towards Lan Xi.

Lan Xi's eyes dazzled, and with a slight twist, he squeezed Miao Lin's neck and lifted her up, "Today, you will be buried with my mother and sister!!"

With a bang!

Lan Xi abruptly pinched Miao Lin to the ground, blood spattered, completely unrecognizable.

It's just that this is still a bit of a grudge. He clenched his fist, punching Miao Lin's head with punch after punch, blasting her into the ground.

The resentment over the past ten years has finally been vented at this moment!

"Mother, sister, I finally avenge you!" Lan Xi plopped and knelt on the ground, muttering to herself in a daze.

Despite the revenge, his heart is empty. After all, his persistence for so many years has finally come to an end, but he has lost support.

If he cannot find support again, it is estimated that he will lose the motivation to move forward!

"Tsk tsk, Junior Brother Lan gets up cruelly, it's terrible!" Fan Ma said while licking melon seeds, "Elder Miao is afraid he can't die anymore!"

"Elder Miao deserves it too! In order to ban the evil, a town was destroyed. If Lan Xi hadn't survived by chance, no one would have known her misdeeds!" Ji Yuanxun shook his head, sighed, and suddenly caught a glimpse of Fan Ma Reached out, "Hey, you eat yours, don't eat mine!"

"Uh, mine is done!"

"So what? I won't give it to you!"

Fan Ma looked depressed. He hadn't eaten it yet, but he didn't dare to ask Luo Xiaoman for it, so he could only endure it!

"Baiyan!" At this moment, Lan Xi looked over and said with scorching eyes: "I owe you what I owe you, and I will definitely pay you back!"

"Okay!" Luo Xiaoman smiled loudly, "However, you have a lifetime!"

Lan Xi was startled slightly, then nodded silently.

He knew that Luo Xiaoman was looking for support for himself, and he would spend a lifetime to repay the favor Luo Xiaoman gave him.

Therefore, he must always become stronger, otherwise he will not be able to keep up with Luo Xiaoman's footsteps!

When the situation developed to this point, the outer disciples also understood the essence of Xuanzong.

They are a sect who can sacrifice the lives of innocent civilians by any means to achieve their goals!

They also understand why they have not been able to enter the inner door, because they have not had the consciousness to go with it.

Only those who have been successfully brainwashed and have outstanding strength can become inner disciples.

Ji Yuanxun, as well as the inner disciples who followed him, are an exception, perhaps Luo Xiaoman's appearance, let them wake up from the confusion.

With a bang.

Yuan Cheng and Zhong Li faced each other, and the powerful impact made each other fly away.

"Huh, Yuan Cheng, give up struggling!" Zhong Li raised the corners of his lips. His red and elegant head looked very arrogant here. He punched his eyes: "You Xuanzong's aura is exhausted, so quickly give up resistance, maybe this is the case. I can die comfortably."

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