The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1116: Are you going to kill me now?

Seeing Xuan Youlin's moment, Yuan Cheng and several elders were excited.

They are saved!

With Xuan Youlin's strength, coupled with Xuan Ming You Snake, Luo Xiaoman and the others will all die! !

"My Envoy, you came back too in time!" Yuan Cheng said excitedly: "Please be sure to destroy these traitors and the evil spirit!"

Xuan Youlin tilted his gaze and said coldly, "Sect Master Yuan, you are really a waste. I spent so many resources to support Xuanzong, but I was disintegrated so easily. Are you worthy of Qingcang? "

Yuan Cheng's expression froze, and he was a little flustered inexplicably, "My Envoy, this is all to blame for Luo's frivolous scheming. He actually sneaked into the sect, got the people's hearts, and finally instigated a rebellion together with his disciples!

"Hmph, this is not an excuse for your failure." Xuan Youlin snorted coldly, then raised his hand and slowly clenched his fist, "Since you failed, then you have the consciousness to pay for it."

"My Envoy..." Yuan Cheng panicked, he read a trace of murderous intent from Xuan Youlin's eyes.

"You all become the nutrients for Xuanming You Snake." When the voice fell, Xuan Youlin clenched his fist suddenly, Yuan Cheng, and the souls of several elders were instantly pulled out and flew towards Xuanming Yousnake.

Xuan Ming You Snake's oily green eyes were shining with a frightening cold light, and he suddenly opened his blood basin and swallowed Yuan Cheng and their souls.

Everyone looked at Yuan Cheng with stunned expressions, and several elders died tragically under Xuanming Youshe's mouth, and they couldn't help but sigh deeply!

In order to awaken Xuanming You Snake and hide their strength, they will not compete with other sects, but they can only become the nutrients for Xuanming You Snake.

This is the true face of Qing Cang!

No matter how much resources they gave to Xuanzong, it was only to better allow Xuanzong to serve himself.

Once Xuanzong had no use value, he abandoned it without hesitation.

"Okay, it's your turn next." Xuan Youlin's gaze fell on Luo Xiaoman's body, and his expression became a little complicated. "Should I call you Baiyan, Luo Xiaoman, or... Luo frivolous?"

"Xuan Youlin, it seems that your trip to the heart of the magic demon has gained something." Luo Xiaoman curled his lips and smiled lightly: "I don't know, how did you find a clue in the heart of the broken magic demon? "

"It's a word left by Wulin!" Xuan Youlin said coldly, squinting his eyes, "If I hadn't searched for the heart of the magical demon, I really couldn't find this word."

"What word?"


Xuan Youlin's eyes drenched, driving Xuan Ming You Snake and slowly descending, "Through this word, I traced it to Luo's house, and now you are disguised as a white face!"

Luo Xiaoman raised his eyebrows, and Xuan Youlin calculated so much based on a single Luo character, but his IQ was not low.

"Are you going to kill me now to avenge your brother?" She looked calm, not afraid of Xuan Youlin's might.

"No!" Xuan Youlin shook his head, and said indifferently: "You have been cursed by the Supreme Immortal Venerable. One year later, you will suffer the scourge of the ninefold thunder tribulation and completely turn into nothingness."

"Instead of killing you here, it's better to let you die in infinite pain."

Speaking of this, his eyes flickered with an awe-inspiring color, "Only in this way can I heal the vengeance you gave me!"

Luo Xiaoman's eyes flickered. Hearing Xuan Youlin's words, he didn't know if he was laughing or crying.

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