"We won't run away!" Zhong Li said firmly with a face: "We are ordered to protect the safety of the demon concubine. If something happens to the demon concubine and we run away, we will have no face to see the demon lord!!"

"Come on, let us deal with this big snake together!!" Lin Sanxing yelled, then his figure moved, and rushed towards Xuanming You Snake first.

It's just that when he rushed out, everyone else couldn't move.

He turned around and looked at the dumbfounded guy with a puzzled look, "What are you doing? Is it all nonsense?"

"Brother Mouse, there is something wrong with this big snake!"


Lin Sanxing frowned, and then raised his eyes to look at Xuanming You Snake, and suddenly found that the big snake was shaking, constantly twisting his body!

Boom boom boom!

At this time, from his body, there were bursts of crackling sounds.

and many more!

This crackling sound is familiar!

Suddenly, he and Ling Yan looked at each other and said in unison: "It's the sound of explosions of thunder!!"


Xuanming You Snake raised his eyes to the sky and let out a painful hiss, opened his mouth, and exhaled a thick smoke, the explosion in it was even louder.

The people's hearts trembled and they were ecstatic.

Luo Xiaoman is not dead!

It turned out that she took the initiative to enter Xuanming You Snake's body, but she set off firecrackers!

Since Xuanming You Snake's scale armor was so hard that it could not be broken, Luo Xiaoman simply entered his body, attacked from the inside, and threw out the explosions one by one.

"I lost it, I lost it, I lost it!!" Luo Xiaoman threw the explosive thunder out of Xuanming You Snake's body.

Although the power of the blasting thunder is not great for Xuanming You Snake, so many explosions, especially in his body, are enough to cause damage to it.

Of course, throwing an explosion of thunder in such a narrow space, the impact that erupted would also affect Luo Xiaoman.

However, whoever allows her to have a lot of protective magic weapons, these impacts will not hurt herself at all.

Suddenly, Luo Xiaomanhao became inhumane, and thunderbolt, or modified it, and super-blast, all of them were thrown out, and they were raging in Xuanming You Snake's body!

Xuanmingyou snake roared again and again, his oily green eyes flashed with cold light, and his stomach and intestines squirmed suddenly, trying to vomit Luo Xiaoman out.

"Hmph, since you swallowed me in, then don't even think about vomiting me out!!" Luo Xiaoman squinted his eyes, the corners of his lips rose slightly, revealing a bitter smile. "You can enjoy this moment!"

Xuanming Youshe's gastrointestinal peristalsis became more and more violent, and he began to squeeze Luo Xiaoman and force her out.

"General!!" Luo Xiaoman yelled, after the black bracelet flashed a black light, a huge figure appeared in Xuanming You Snake's body.

The general's body was huge, and he just appeared out of thin air, unfolding Xuanming You Snake's stomach and intestines.

If it weren't for the toughness and ductility of the snake's stomach and intestines, it is estimated that such an iron bump would burst out of him.

"It's a general!!" Lin Sanxing could not help exclaiming when seeing Xuanming You Snake's body being stretched out, showing a human shape. This was even more certain that Luo Xiaoman was safe and sound in Xuanming You Snake's body.

"Miss, don't be too good! You actually set off firecrackers in Xuanming You Snake's body, and summoned the general, this is to punish Xuan Ming You Snake to death!!" He said excitedly. .

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