The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1127: Nine Life Xuanming Serpent!

At this time, a petite figure emerged from the hole in Xuanming You Snake, and under the protection of the general, slowly walked into the sight of everyone.

"Master Bai, mighty!!"

"Little Miss, you are great!!"

"Devil concubine, you actually killed a seventh-level monster, Xuanming You Snake?!"

Everyone exclaimed again and again, they all looked at Luo Xiaoman with disbelief. It seemed that they could not think that such a powerful Xuanmingyou snake would just die in Luo Xiaoman's hands, and the death was so tragic!

Of course, if it weren't for Xuanming Youshe's self-righteousness and swallowing Luo Xiaoman into his stomach, it is estimated that he could still wreak havoc for a long time.

But who knows, this guy actually swallowed this little demon king into his stomach, isn't this asking for hardship?

Luo Xiaoman curled his lips and looked at Xuan Youlin with a faint smile, "Next, is it your turn?"

Xuan Youlin stared deeply at Luo Xiaoman, this little guy was more powerful than imagined.


"Do you really think that Xuanming You Snake is dead?"


At this moment, Xuanming You Snake's body was filled with a green mist, covering all of his body.

Luo Xiaoman's pupils shrank and exclaimed, "Zhong Li, arrange the barrier! These green mists are highly poisonous!"

Zhong Li's mind tightened, and quickly set up an enchantment with the other evil spirits to block this green mist!


In the green mist, there was a roar that shook the sky.

Immediately afterwards, a figure larger than Xuanming You Snake appeared, blocking Luo Xiaoman's front.

Luo Xiaoman's pupils shrank, and he looked at this huge figure with shocked expression. He had a horn, fangs and sharp teeth, and a long and snaking body with a pair of fleshy wings.

"I'll go!" She exclaimed, "Xuanming You Snake has evolved?"


Xuanmingyou snake flew into the air with a fleshy wing, and its huge body was more clearly exposed in front of everyone.

This snaking body can almost cover the entire Xuanzong's mountain gate, and the scales on his body are shining with gloomy light, which seems to be harder, and the sword is hard to damage!

"Luo Qingkuan, Xuanming You Snake has nine lives! Every time you die, you will be strong. If you die nine times, you will become a powerful existence like a fairy beast." Xuan Youlin hooked his lips. With a mocking look: "So, are you going to kill him nine times?"

Luo Xiaoman frowned tightly, with a solemn mind. If what Xuan Youlin said was true, then she would not kill now, nor would she not kill!

Killed, Xuanming You Snake will become stronger, until the existence of fairy beast level.

With her current strength, she could not be a fairy beast.

However, if you don't kill, Xuanming You Snake rages away, and no one can stop here except yourself!

"Roar!!" Xuanming You Snake let out an angry roar, with a pair of oil-green eyes, staring at Luo Xiaoman.

Suddenly, he opened his mouth abruptly, and a mouthful of green venom came out, turned into a sharp green arrow, and shot towards Luo Xiaoman.

Luo Xiaoman's pupils shrank, and his thoughts moved, the general immediately stepped forward and blocked the green venom with his steel body.


The body made of red sand, but under this green venom, made a squeaky sound, leaving a mark on it!

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