The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1131: Never unlock the ninth layer of seal!

Lin Sanxing blinked and listened carefully. It seemed to be such a reason.

"Well, I'll give you a little bit later."

"Brother Mouse, atmosphere!"

Everyone was excited, they fell in love with melon seeds, especially those made by Lin Sansheng. The taste is absolutely amazing!

"Mother!" At this time, the ancient devil dragon turned into a little dragon, flew into Luo Xiaoman's arms, and touched her small **** affectionately, and said grinningly: "I miss you so much! "

Mo Yuan frowned, and lifted the dragon up, "You have recovered your true body now, you don't need to be like this."

"Daddy, people are used to this way." Xiaolong pouted and said grievously.

Mo Yuan looked contemptuous. You are not used to this look, but this look is more pleasing to people, especially you can wipe your oil with integrity.

"Yuan, Xiaolong is fine now, if it becomes something else, I'm not used to it." Luo Xiaoman took Xiaolong again and hugged him in his arms.

"That's it!" Xiaolong comfortably leaned against Luo Xiaoman's suspicion, and said contentedly: "It's better to be a mother, father is too bullying."

Mo Yuan raised his eyebrows, this guy also disliked his master! ?

"Yuan, did you unlock another seal?" Luo Xiaoman asked suspiciously.

Mo Yuan nodded, don't know why, he felt a trace of worry in Luo Xiaoman's tone. "In the Wild Ancient Beast Forest, in order to unlock the seal of the dragon, by chance, I unlocked the third seal!"

Luo Xiaoman frowned, remembering the words of the Supreme Old Thief, once Mo Yuan unlocked the ninth seal, he would surely disintegrate himself and disappear completely from this world.

"Yuan, promise me!" She looked at Mo Yuan solemnly, "Don't unlock the ninth seal in this life!"

"Why?" Mo Yuan was stunned and looked at Luo Xiaoman with a puzzled look. "If the ninth seal can be unlocked, my strength will be restored to its peak. Isn't that good?"

Luo Xiaoman shook his head and didn't want to explain so much. For Mo Yuan, who had lost his memory, knowing so many things would only increase his troubles.

"Because, I'm afraid you will leave me if you unlock the ninth seal!"

Mo Yuan was startled, then laughed, raised his hand to touch Luo Xiaoman's head, and said, "Don't worry! I won't leave you! I will stay by your side for the rest of my life."

Luo Xiaoman's heart trembled slightly, then plunged into Mo Yuan's arms and hugged him tightly.

Mo Yuan's body froze, a little at a loss, he could feel this hug, which was different from the previous hug.

The previous hug was simple and very dependent, but now this hug has an inexplicable emotion in it.

"I don't care! Anyway, you are not allowed to unlock the ninth seal!"

"Well, I promise you!"

Mo Yuan nodded and gently stroked Luo Xiaoman's back.

"Tsk tusk, Master Mo Yuan and the young lady are becoming more and more like a pair!" Lin Sanxing licked melon seeds while looking at Mo Yuan and Luo Xiaoman.

"Of course! Only Master Mo Yuan is worthy of the young lady." Ling Yan said with a face.

At this time, the other senior sisters were crying!

They thought that Luo Xiaoman and Mo Yuan were both young men. Who knew that except for Mo Yuan was young man, Luo Xiaoman was a woman disguised as a man!

"Oh, a good pair, no more!"

"What are you talking about? Don't Master Bai and Master Mo match well?"

"Good match, good match! It's just that they are more like two teenagers..."

Suddenly, boys like Fan Ma and Ji Yuanxun all looked down upon these senior sisters and sisters!

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