"Ahem!" At this moment, Lin Sanxing and Ling Yan rushed back. They just saw this scene and couldn't help but said in embarrassment, "Well, we also want to walk a little longer, but... there is a wild fruit city in front No! Also, we picked up a strange thing."

"Strange things?" Luo Xiaoman naturally let go of Mo Yuan and walked towards Lin Sanxing.

Lin Sansheng held a black box in his hand. This box was ordinary, just like something you could buy on the street.

"Why is this sunspot weird?" Luo Xiaoman raised his eyes and looked at Lin Sanxing suspiciously.

"Little Miss, you'll know when you open it." Lin Sansheng sold it, and then handed the box to Luo Xiaoman.

Luo Xiaoman was suspicious and wanted to open this box!


She gently opened the box, but found that the box did not move at all.

Luo Xiaoman frowned slightly and exerted a little strength, but still couldn't open the box.

"This box is not simple!"

"I'll try it!" Mo Yuan walked over, took the box from Luo Xiaoman's hand, and broke it with force. The box still didn't move.

"It's interesting!" Luo Xiaoman squinted his eyes. He couldn't think that even Mo Yuan could not open it. This box was definitely not simple.

"Mouse, how did you find this box?"

"Little Yanzi and I walked a few steps forward and saw this box lying on the ground. I was curious, so I wanted to open it, but I couldn't do it anyway!" Lin Sanxing frowned and said with a depressed expression: "Little Miss, you also know that I am a body refiner, with amazing power, but in the end I still can't open this box, or even break it!"

Luo Xiaoman nodded clearly, to be sure that this box is not a mortal thing. As for what is in it, there is currently no way to find out.

"Yuan!" Luo Xiaoman came over with a look, and Mo Yuan understood her, and gently hugged her.

The moment Mo Yuan hugged Luo Xiaoman, she closed her eyes and entered the Xumi space.

"Mother~~" As soon as he entered the Xumi space, Xiaolong flew over with cheers and plunged into Luo Xiaoman's arms.

Luo Xiaoman hugged this little thing and shook his head with a wry smile. This guy is Yuan's guardian spirit beast, and he is now relying on him.

"Little Master, is there something wrong?" Xiao Ling ran over and saw Luo Xiaoman enter the Xumi space, something must have happened.

Luo Xiaoman nodded, and said: "There is indeed one thing, you need to judge by knowing everything!"

With that said, she took the box out, handed it to Xiao Ling, and said, "Look, what box is this?"

Xiao Ling took the box, frowned, and said in doubt, "Little Master, isn't this just a very ordinary box?"


Just when Xiao Ling was about to open the box, he found that he couldn't open it no matter how hard he tried.

"Damn it!" He scratched his head and said with a blank face: "This box obviously doesn't have any spiritual fluctuations, why can't it be opened? It's like being sealed!"

"Xiao Ling, can't even you see the origin of this box?" Luo Xiaoman frowned, looking at Xiao Ling suspiciously.

Xiao Ling nodded, and said awkwardly: "Little Master, I'm sorry, I really can't see it! I'm afraid this box is not simple."

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