Luo Qingyi glanced at these refreshments, did not enjoy them, just waited quietly.

While Luo Qingyi was waiting, the father and son Chen Tingsheng and Chen Mufeng met in the backyard.

"Feng'er, Luo Qingyi doesn't drink tea or snacks now. How can this be good?" Chen Tingsheng frowned and said worriedly.

"Don't worry, he will definitely eat." Chen Mufeng narrowed his eyes and said coldly, "If he doesn't eat or drink, he won't see Mu Yu."

"By the way! This Luo Qingyi is a master of alchemy, will he see that there is a problem with these refreshments?" Chen Tingsheng's eyes sank, and said worriedly.

"I've already thought of this." Chen Mufeng curled his lips and smiled confidently: "The poison of tea and snacks are separated, and only when the two are eaten can they be effective. Therefore, even if he is an alchemist, he doesn't Ways to see the problems with these refreshments."

"That's great!" Chen Tingsheng's eyes lit up, and he was very satisfied with Chen Mufeng's arrangement.

Luo Qingyi sat upright, waiting for Chen Muyu's arrival.

However, after a long time, Chen Muyu was not seen, which made him very puzzled.

"Excuse me..." Luo Qingyi frowned slightly, and couldn't help asking one of his servants: "I don't know what is going on with Master Chen now?"

"Aha!" At this moment, Chen Mufeng hurried over and said with an embarrassed expression: "Tsing Yi, I'm really sorry! You know, girls love beauty. Mu Yu is dressing up to see you. It will take some time."

Luo Qingyi frowned, does Chen Muyu take so long to dress up?

However, considering that girls really love beauty, he has to be patient and sit down again.

"Tsing Yi, you have something to eat and a sip of tea. This is something I specially prepared for you." Chen Mufeng glanced at the untouched refreshments on the table and said with a stern face, "If you don't taste it, I'm going to get angry if I go down."

Luo Qingyi squinted at these refreshments, then raised his hand, twisted a piece of pastry, and took a light bite.


"Right? Come and taste this white tea too."

Luo Qingyi nodded, then picked up the tea cup and took a sip.

"Tea is also good."

After eating tea, Luo Qingyi raised his eyes, glanced at Chen Mufeng, and said lightly: "Is it all right?"

"Hahaha, Tsing Yi, interesting enough." Chen Mufeng waved his hand and said heartily, "I'm going to remind Mu Yu."


Suddenly, Luo Qingyi was slightly startled, feeling his head dizzy.

not good!

He was startled and raised his eyes to stare at Chen Mufeng, "Are you poisoned at these refreshments?"

"Tsing Yi, what are you talking about?" Chen Mufeng was startled, and hurriedly came over to help, and said: "How could I poison the tea, you must be mistaken?"

"Get off!" Luo Qingyi pushed Chen Mufeng away, trying to take out the detox pill, but Chen Mufeng held his hand.

"Tsing Yi, please make it clear, what is it that I was poisoned at tea breaks!" Chen Mufeng said with a serious face: "I, Chen Mufeng, stand upright, and I will never poison at tea breaks!"

"!" Luo Qingyi was anxious, he could no longer bear the effects of these medicines, and his mind became increasingly blurred.

However, Chen Mufeng looked excited, and desperately grabbed his hand, not letting himself take out the detoxification pill!

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