Lianhua twitched the corner of her mouth, and said with a smug look: "See? This is the gap between you and me! With Luo Xiaoman, how many can you improve like me?"

However, she didn't know that the reason why she was able to get such a promotion was entirely due to the effect of double cultivation.

In order to prevent Lianhua from being suspicious, Xuan Youlin deliberately fed her some power back. In this way, while he can get a great improvement, Lotus also has a certain improvement, so that this woman can dedicate herself willingly.

Only when the soul is in harmony can the effect of dual cultivation be maximized.

Lianhua thought that she had received the gift of the envoy, but she did not realize that she was just a plaything of the other party!

"General Two, kill her!"

Following Luo Qinghen's order, the general took a handsome posture, the cloak rolled, and the four dark barrels were aimed at the lotus flower.

Boom boom boom boom!

The four guns fired together, intertwined into a thicker beam, and shot towards the lotus.

There was a loud bang!

Dust and smoke are everywhere.

Everyone frowned and looked at the lotus position dignifiedly.

When the dust and smoke were all over, Lianhua stood in place unharmed, looking at them mockingly.

"How is it possible?" Luo Qinghen's eyes widened, with a look of disbelief, and said: "This is the power of the third-level beast crystal core, and it can't hurt her by half?"

"Sorry, in this enchantment, your attacks have been absorbed." Lianhua hooked her lips, then raised her hand, and a ball of light hovered in her hand.

"Now give it back to you!"

"Careful!!" Hu Yanxiu's mind tightened, feeling the power contained in this ball of light, and quickly summoned the ice lion.

Suddenly, ice walls condensed out and blocked everyone.

Boom boom boom!

The ice wall was instantly shattered by the ball of light, and it shot at everyone without any loss.

Suddenly, a flame burst out and rolled towards this ball of light.

"Uncle Tujia, you must block it!" Zhi Wu gritted her teeth and couldn't think that the strength of Lotus was so amazing. He even absorbed the attack of General No. 2 and fought back.


The flames of the soil worm could not stop this ball of light after all, and it was blown away.

Zhi Wu's pupils shrank and watched the ball of light fly over. If they were hit by such a ball of light, they would definitely be bombarded with scum.

At this moment, a round of tassels rolled over, pulling them all away.


There was a burst of explosion, dust and smoke everywhere.

Zhi Wu watched with a look of astonishment as he was blown apart, revealing a deep hole in place. If Chen Muyu hadn't reacted in time, it is estimated that their end would be miserable.


Zhi Wu was stunned slightly, and suddenly saw a string of ropes emerging from under her feet, quickly entangled herself.

Not only him, but Luo Qinghen and Hu Yanxiu were also bound by these ropes.

"Let's just watch." Lianhua's eyes fell on Chen Muyu's body and said lightly: "Do you know why I didn't tie you up?"

Chen Muyu squinted her eyes and stared at Lianhua coldly. How could she know what this crazy woman was thinking?

"Because I changed my mind." Lotus raised his hand, and the ropes were rolled out, woven into a bench, and fell behind her.

Lotus sat down, looked at Chen Muyu lazily, and said, "Don't you like Luo Qingyi very much? Then, I will give you a chance to save him."

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