Luo Xiaoman nodded and said firmly: "Ling Tian is right, this is my own calamity. If I rely too much on others, I will just dig my own grave. Therefore, I will take this opportunity to dig out as much as possible. Own potential."

Mo Yuan looked at Luo Xiaoman deeply, and she could see from her clear eyes that no matter how he persuaded, it was useless.

"Little Dragon!"

With a low drink from him, Xiaolong emerged from the Xumi space.

"Daddy, what do you call someone else?" Xiaolong slammed his mouth, Mung Bean's small eyes looked at Mo Yuan suspiciously.

"From now on, you stay by your mother's side obediently and protect her, don't you know?" Mo Yuan frowned, and said with a serious face.

"Daddy, don't worry! Even if you don't say it, people will protect your mother." Xiaolong nodded and said seriously.


"Xiaoman, this is not someone else, this is the guardian spirit beast." Before Luo Xiaoman finished speaking, Mo Yuan waved his hand and interrupted directly: "It's like your guardian spirit beast and Xiaoling, they It’s just a boost, not someone else."

Luo Xiaoman pouted, and Yuan said so, what else could she do?

It was already late to come back to Qinhuai City from Xiaoshulin.

Looking at this familiar imperial city, Luo Xiaoman's lips raised slightly, and he said silently in his heart, I am back!

"Little Master!!" Suddenly, a loud voice came from ahead, Luo Xiaoman raised his eyes slightly, and saw Ji Wuya holding a drumstick in one hand and a pot of wine in the other, rushing over.

Luo Xiaoman rolled his eyes, this guy is really inseparable from eating all the time?

"Xiao Ya, you can eat and drink before you come." She was angry.

"Ahem! I heard that you are back. I can't wait to see you." Ji Wuya glanced at the chicken drumstick in his hand, and the wine. He just wanted to throw it away, but he couldn't bear it, so he just ate it later, anyway. In front of the little master, there are no taboos.

"It's sincere to me to be able to take the initiative to find food while you are looking for food." Luo Xiaoman hooked his lips and felt relieved for the food.

"Teacher Xiaoman!!" At this time, Bai Hang, Huang Lin and others from the Holy Academy also ran over. When they saw Luo Xiaoman, they were all too excited to speak.

"Woo, Teacher Xiaoman, you can count as coming back! You are not here during this time, we can miss you." Bai Hang held back for a long time, finally suffocated such a sentence.

"Really?" Luo Xiaoman curled his lips and joked: "You miss my training for you, right?"

Bai Hang and the others shuddered, shook their heads and nodded again and again.

They want to cry without tears. "Teacher Xiaoman, it's rare for us to meet again, can't we be more tender?"

"No!" Luo Xiaoman raised his head, grinned, and said slyly: "I will go back later, and you will all run a few hundred laps for me! Also, play three hundred rounds with the general!"

The crowd burst into tears, but they were a little bit excited in their hearts.

Zhi Wu curled his lips and saw through the careful thoughts of these guys, hum, a bunch of idiots who owe to beating!

"Okay, don't dry it here!" Seeing the crowds, Luo Xiaoman yelled, "Let's find a place and have a good meal."

"Okay!" everyone cheered.


At this moment, a low horn sounded, and the entire Qinhuai City immediately entered a state of alert.

"Enemy attack!!!" With a loud shout on the wall, the people who were originally relaxed, their hearts tightened inexplicably, revealing a solemn color.

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