"Hehe, I know you come back, you must have a lollipop." Hu Yan Ruofeng raised his hand, touched Moluo Xiaoman's head, and said indulgingly: "Come here, I will make you a batch of new flavors. ."

With that said, he took out a batch of lollipops with new flavors and handed them to Luo Xiaoman.

"Grandpa Dean, you are so kind!" Luo Xiaoman's eyes lit up, and he couldn't wait to open a lollipop and held it in his mouth. The sweet and sour taste refreshed her spirit.

"good to eat!!"

"It's delicious!" Hu Yan Ruofeng looked at her cute and satisfied, and he was very happy.

Hu Yanxiu frowned and looked at Hu Yanruofeng dissatisfiedly, feeling a little unbalanced. He is a grandson anyway, so why is he not as good as an outsider?

Is he not cute enough? Still not pretty enough?

"Xiao Xiuxiu, are you eating the jealousy of Teacher Xiaoman?" Zhi Wu noticed his look and couldn't help but said with a humble expression: "Tsk tsk, you are a grandson, it is pitiful that you are not favored by Teacher Xiaoman! "

Hu Yanxiu tilted his eyes and stared at Zhi Wu fiercely, and said: "Zhi Wu, do you want to experience the taste of being frozen into a popsicle?"

"Oh! I'm still angry." Zhi Wu raised her eyebrows, and said dismissively: "I want you to experience the taste of being burned into barbecue."


Boom boom boom!

While they were chatting, all the cultivators had surrounded Qinhuai City.

One by one, they released their tyrannical aura and shocked everyone present.

Luo Xiaoman squinted her eyes slightly, and she noticed that the faces of these guys were full of murderous colors. It seemed that she was determined to destroy her "devil head"!

Hu Yan Ruofeng, Cheng Feng and others all looked at this group of cultivators with solemn expressions.

Even if they Zhu Yanguo, plus the Holy Academy, they may not be able to fight against so many cultivators!

"Today, I am waiting to fight against Luo frivolous female devil, and other irrelevant people, quickly retreat!" A cultivator stood up and said with a sullen expression.

The aura that exudes from him makes people understand that this is a powerhouse in the transformation stage.

However, he is not the strongest among this group of cultivators, and there are also many peak powers in the transformation stage.

"Xiaoman, godfather is here to help you!!" At this moment, Ye Canglan wore a cape and rushed over with Yasha.

"Godfather, are you here too?" Luo Xiaoman's eyes lit up, and the moment he saw Ye Canglan, his heart was quite shaken.

Originally, she didn't have much relationship with Yejia, but after Xin Lin intervened, they had such a relationship.

However, as she got along with each other, she also knew that Ye Canglan was a person who dared to love and hate.

Unlike the Ouyang family and the Chen family, he has a sincere heart.

Since he recognized Luo Xiaoman's goddaughter, he would definitely treat it as his own daughter.

"Xiaoman, no matter whose reincarnation you are or what you have made, since Ye Canglan has recognized you as a goddaughter, then I will take care of you!" Ye Canglan fixed his eyes and said in a deep voice.

Luo Xiaoman smiled slightly, and Ye Canglan's words reminded her of Luo Mushan.

I don’t know how dad and mother are doing now? However, she believed that her father and mother would be safe.

After all, the strength of the two of them has always been a mystery, and it seems that what kind of enemy they encounter can come up with corresponding strength.

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