The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1186: Ouyang Family and Chen Family

"Xiao Wu, what are you doing?" Luo Xiaoman walked over, tiptoe, patted Zhi Wu's shoulder, and said: "Xiao Xiuxiu is just shy, not used to being with so many people, you live with him What is it?"

"Teacher Xiaoman, you just came back, should we as disciples accompany you and care about you more?" Zhi Wu said solemnly.

Luo Xiaoman furrowed his brows, nodded with a sense of truth, and said, "Well, you are right!"

"Yeah! So, it's too shameful for a small repair!" Zhi Wu rolled up his sleeve, as if he was going to catch the person back.

"Well, then you go to prepare the ingredients, and all kinds of things to drink." Luo Xiaoman said seriously.


Zhi Wu staggered and looked at Luo Xiaoman blankly. "Teacher Xiaoman, are you serious?"

"Of course." Luo Xiaoman raised his head, smiled slyly, and said: "This is what you said, you should care about me more, so shouldn't you do it yourself?"

Zhi Wu's mouth was flat, and she wanted to cry without tears.

He was so sincere, why did he suddenly fall into the pit?

The most important thing is that he dug this pit himself, and now it's better to bury himself!

Seeing Zhiwu's bitter look, everyone couldn't help laughing.

"Xiaoman, don't embarrass Zhiwu, I will take care of this dinner!" Zhu Yingtian shook his head and smiled.

Suddenly, Zhi Wu was grateful for Dade and wanted to rush to give Zhu Yingtian a kiss.

"Brother, you can put Xiaoyu in Luo's house first. Others, let's talk later." Luo Xiaoman turned around and said to Luo Qingyi.

Luo Qingyi nodded, lowered his eyes to look at Chen Muyu in his arms, his eyes were hotter than before, and he was more affectionate.

He is stunned.

However, the price is also considerable.

The dinner party is managed by Zhu Yingtian, and the specifications are naturally not low.

In order to relax each other, he also held a banquet specially in the imperial garden.

Despite Zhu Yingtian's supervision, Zhi Wu fulfilled the task assigned to him by Luo Xiaoman to supervise the busy work of each palace lady eunuch.

While Luo Xiaoman and others were having a dinner, the two heads of the Chen family and Ouyang's family also met in the Ouyang's living room.

"Patriarch Chen, depending on your appearance, things seem to be urgent?" Ouyang Hao sat in the chair of the master, drinking tea, looking at Chen Tingsheng indifferently.

Chen Tingsheng frowned, very uncomfortable with Ouyang Hao's posture, but when he thought he was asking for help, he had to endure it.

"Patriarch Ouyang, I believe you are very clear about the current situation of the Luo family." Chen Tingsheng narrowed his eyes and said in a deep voice: "If we don't do anything, it won't be long before the Luo family will ban us!"

"We?" Ouyang Hao raised his eyebrows and said jokingly: "Didn't your Chen family hug your thighs? The Luo family can develop so fast, you should feel lucky, why are you worried about our Ouyang family?"

The corners of Chen Tingsheng's mouth twitched. This guy was deliberately sarcastic!

However, he still endured it!

"Ouyang Hao, you don't have to talk cold words here." Chen Tingsheng said coldly: "I am not afraid to tell you that I came to Ouyang's house just to form an alliance!"

"Then, I'll stop here! Either you form an alliance or I go!"

Ouyang Hao put down his teacup, staring at Chen Tingsheng with his eyes, secretly thinking, what on earth is this old fox calculating?

Is it true that there is a conflict with the Luo family?

However, he really caught the pain of the Ouyang family. In the current situation, for the Ouyang family, forming an alliance is indeed the best choice.

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