At this moment, the dishes in Luo Xiaoman's bowl have been piled into a small bag.

She is very sad and can't get the chopsticks!

"Xiaoman, this meat is fragrant, eat more."

"Xiaoman, if you eat too much meat, you will get tired, eat some vegetables."

Zhu Yingtian and Ye Canglan went back and forth, the two seemed to be competing for favor, and the pictures were very funny.

Unexpectedly, the dignified monarch of a country and the Yejia Patriarch, one of the five big families, would compete for favor with everyone else. If this were to be known to outsiders, it would be dumbfounding.

Suddenly, a hand came over, calmly set aside the bowl full of dishes in front of Luo Xiaoman, and pushed his bowl in front of her.

"Xiaoman, eat this." Mo Yuan calmly picked up a piece of meat and put it in a bowl. There was a bitter tone in his tone, as if he was warning people around who wanted to pick Luo Xiaoman. Can hold other dishes.

Zhu Yingtian and Ye Canglan looked at each other, they just wanted to re-catch Luo Xiaoman, a sharp look came over, making their hearts tremble fiercely.

Do you want to be so domineering?

At this moment, they felt that once they put vegetables in this bowl, they were afraid that they would lose even their lives.

After all, people are the devil!

"Yuan, you eat too!" Luo Xiaoman looked at Mo Yuan with a smile, and added another piece of meat to him, which made everyone around him sour.


That's unfair!

They picked up a lot of vegetables for Xiaoman, and they added a piece when they didn't think of Mo Yuan, and got Xiaoman to pick up the vegetables himself, the more they thought about it, the more angry they became! !

Hu Yan Ruofeng watched these guys fight for favor, and shook his head helplessly. He rarely attended such dinner parties. This time, if it weren't for Xiaoman's sake, he wouldn't be able to attend.

"Emperor, everyone, I still have something to deal with, so I'll go one step ahead."

"Dean, is it so early? Why don't you have a few more drinks?" Zhu Yingtian said in a guest manner.

"No." Hu Yan Ruofeng shook his head, then stood up and said to Luo Xiaoman: "Xiaoman, Grandpa Dean will leave first. Looking back, I will give you another batch of lollipops."

"Okay, thank you Grandpa Dean!!" Luo Xiaoman's eyes sparkled, and he threw directly into Hu Yan Ruofeng's arms with excitement.

"Hehe, you snack food." Hu Yan Ruofeng touched Luo Xiaoman's head, and suddenly turned around, saying: "However, Xiaoman has grown a lot recently and is more beautiful."

After he said so, everyone realized that Luo Xiaoman is now a seventeen-year-old, slim girl.

Although it still looks cute, but it has also faded away from the past immature, and has a girlish taste.

Of course, the only constant is the strange spirit.

Hu Yan Ruofeng came out of the palace and flew towards the direction of Sheng Academy.

Soon, he came to a training ground, which was dedicated to Hu Yanxiu.

When he first stepped here, he saw the figure who was training hard.


"Grandpa, why are you here?"

Hu Yanxiu stopped and looked at Hu Yanruofeng who was approaching with a puzzled look.

"You know, gatherings and other activities are not suitable for my old man." Hu Yan Ruofeng smiled.

Hu Yanxiu raised his hand and wiped the sweat from his forehead. After warming up, he was full of vigor and vitality, and he looked very energetic.

"At this point, you are very similar to Grandpa."

Hu Yanxiu lowered his eyes slightly, and did not deny Hu Yan Ruofeng's statement, he really didn't like the excitement.

"Of course, you have another reason."

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