"No!" Chen Tingsheng shook his head, his face full of worry. "I don't know why, since just now, I've been upset and always feel that something big will happen."

"Father, don't worry. As long as we form an alliance with the Ouyang family, and forgive them, the Luo family will not really kill us. After all, if we exchange fire, we will definitely lose both sides. They should not be so stupid."

Chen Mufeng curled his lips with a look of disdain.

The current Luo family is very strong, but after all, it has just developed. It is the time to preserve its strength. As long as the decision-maker has a brain, he will not make such a crazy move.

"That's what I said, but there is a guy in the Luo family who doesn't play cards according to the routine." Chen Tingsheng sighed and said solemnly.

"You mean Luo Xiaoman?" Chen Mufeng frowned, and shivered inexplicably when he thought of Luo Xiaoman's previous behavior. "This guy is really tricky. By the way, I just received the news and she seems to be back today."

"What?!" Chen Tingsheng's heart trembled, his eyes widened, and he looked at Chen Mufeng in horror, and said: "You, you said Luo Xiaoman is back?"

"Well, not long after I came back, I was invited by the emperor to enter the palace."

"Not good!" Chen Tingsheng's heart twitched, and he said in a flustered expression: "Feng'er, you immediately transfer all the assets of the Chen family to Ouyang's."


"Don't talk nonsense, do it quickly!"

Seeing Chen Tingsheng so flustered, Chen Mufeng couldn't help but become a little worried.

Does Luo Xiaoman know about Luo Qingyi and Chen Muyu, so he will come to trouble the Chen family?

However, since this is Chen Tingsheng's order, he can only execute it.

Chen Tingsheng's brow furrowed into a word "Chuan", and his heart was chaotic.

Luo Xiaoman came back too suddenly and there was no news at all, which meant that she must have come back for Luo Qingyi.

Once she understands the whole story, she will definitely find trouble with the Chen family.


At this moment, a tyrannical aura invaded and enveloped the entire Chen family.

"Chen Tingsheng, get out of here!"

This voice is so familiar and so domineering!

Chen Tingsheng's face turned pale for an instant, and he rushed out of the inner hall and came to the courtyard.

He raised his eyes and saw two figures floating in the air, staring at the Chen family.

At the same time, the people in Qinhuai City also noticed this scene. They all looked at Luo Xiaoman and Mo Yuan in mid-air with shocked faces.

"Flying in the air?! This is the strong man in the transformation stage!"

"Look carefully, isn't that Miss Luo, and Master Mo Yuan?"

"How is it possible? How long has it been since Miss Luo and Master Mo Yuan turned their minds?"

Everyone exclaimed again and again, watching this scene in disbelief.

"Wait! Look at Miss Luo and their posture, this is to do something against the Chen family!"

"Oh, the Chen family is going to be unlucky! Two gods, not just one Chen family can resist!"

"That's not right! Didn't the Chen family and Luo family have a good relationship? Why did they meet?"

"Who knows? Anyway, we just watched the show!"

Everyone knows that Chen Muyu of the Chen family is Luo Xiaoman's disciple. Even if the intersection between the Chen family and the Luo family is not deep, it is impossible to make trouble to this level based on this relationship alone.

In this way, something must have happened to the Chen Family and Luo Family!

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