"Patriarch Ouyang!" At this moment, Chen Mufeng was full of grief and ran over hastily. "Please fulfill your promise and avenge my Chen family."

If it weren't for his father to ask him to transfer the assets of the Chen family and leave first, it is estimated that he has become a pool of flesh.

Ouyang Hao glanced at Chen Mufeng contemptuously, and said disdainfully: "Master Chen, your Chen family now has nothing. Why should our Ouyang family avenge you?"

Chen Mufeng's expression froze and he was stunned on the spot. Is this going to turn his face and deny him?

However, in the current situation of their Chen family, the Ouyang family is anxious to get rid of the relationship, and no one wants to provoke a monster that can destroy a large family with one hammer!

"Patriarch Ouyang, the Chen family still has me!!" Chen Mufeng gritted his teeth, pointed at himself, and said cruelly: "If you want to violate each other's vows, you will be condemned by God!!"

Ouyang Hao's pupils shrank, staring at Chen Mufeng fiercely, hating this guy in his heart, why did he escape?

"Master Chen, first of all, I am deeply sorry for the misery of your Chen family." He sighed and said helplessly: "But you should be very clear now that we are going to fight Luo Xiaoman with our current strength. Hit the stone with the pebbles!"

"..." Chen Mufeng's face was sullen and his fists clenched, why didn't he know the horror of Luo Xiaoman, could he only escape in embarrassment?

"Our Ouyang family must withdraw from Qinhuai City now." Ouyang Hao walked over, raised his hand and patted Chen Mufeng's shoulder, and sighed: "As long as we can develop safely, we may be able to come back someday."

Chen Mufeng raised his eyes and stared at Ouyang Hao deeply.

Ouyang Hao's heart couldn't help but he read the strong hatred from Chen Mufeng's eyes.

"Patriarch Ouyang, I know that the Chen family can no longer be equal to the Ouyang family. But for the sake of each other's allies, you must help me avenge the Chen family." Chen Mufeng gritted his teeth and said, "I can escape. It’s thanks to my father who anticipated that something big would happen and asked me to transfer the assets of the Chen family to your Ouyang family in advance."

"Really?!" Ouyang Hao's eyes lit up and he said with surprise on his face: "Quickly, take out all the assets of your Chen family."

"Do you really consider me stupid?" Chen Mufeng twitched his lips and said coldly, "I can transfer the assets to your Ouyang family. But you must give me an identity, and it's still an identity with real power. ."

Ouyang Hao frowned tightly and couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

The assets of the Chen family are undoubtedly a big pie. Once the Ouyang family can eat it, their strength will definitely increase.

However, to give Chen Mufeng a real power status is equivalent to the merger of the Ouyang family and the Chen family.

"Patriarch Ouyang, do you still need to struggle? Don't forget, there is another evildoer outside, who will be killed at any time!"

"Okay!" Ouyang Hao gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice, "From now on, you will be the fourth elder of my Ouyang family!"

"Thank you, Patriarch Ouyang!" Chen Mufeng curled his lips and gave Ouyang Hao.

From now on, Ouyang's family has four elders, and the distribution of rights will also be affected to a certain extent.

"Patriarch Ouyang, I will withdraw first. We will meet again when you confirm the transfer location, and then the assets of the Chen family will also be transferred to your name."

After speaking, Chen Mufeng quickly evacuated.

If Luo Xiaoman knew that he was not dead, he would definitely chase him.

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