"This is black soil, a place that doesn't care. With a little white face like you, there is only one dead end here." The man twitched his mouth and showed a smirk. "If you want to live, take out all your cultivation resources."

Mo Yuan ignored the man's threat, but thought about it in secret.

Black soil?

A place where nothing matters?

The Devil is so big, why was it sent here? Or is it purely random?

"Hey, talk to you!" Seeing that Mo Yuan ignored him, the man frowned, and said coldly, "Do you want to toast and not eat fine wine?"

"Boss!" At this moment, a little brother next to him walked over and whispered: "This guy looks like something is wrong."


"Didn't you find out? The devilish energy on his body is very weak, mixed with other auras."

When reminded by the younger brother, the man raised his brows and noticed this.

He stroked his chin and looked at Mo Yuan seriously.

Dressed in a black cloak, there are many white fierce beasts tattooed on it, Junyi's face, sword eyebrows and star eyes, as if there are vast stars hidden in his eyes, and he exudes a calm and calm momentum.

This person is not easy!

In addition, he also discovered that the demonic energy exuding from Mo Yuan was actually mixed with a trace of...popularity!

"Who are you?" The man's pupils shrank, his face showing a solemn expression. "Why do you have popularity?"

"Take me to find the person in charge of this area!" Mo Yuan didn't answer him, but asked instead.


The man was stunned, as if he didn't expect Mo Yuan to say this.

"Hehe, it seems you are a fool. No matter who you are, don't even think about getting out of this piece today."


A powerful demonic energy erupted from the man, which was thick and dark, constantly transforming fierce beasts, a total of three beasts.

Mo Yuan frowned slightly, his robe turned, and then raised his hand to grab, grabbing Yan Prison.

When Yan Prison came out, the red light was shining, and a strong killing intent immediately filled the surrounding area.

Perhaps it was back to the Demon Realm, where the devilish energy was so strong that Yan Yu was trembling with excitement, and the scarlet sword body radiated brightly, blinding these people.

"This, this is the blood emperor's magic weapon, Yan Prison?!"

"How is it possible? How could the blood emperor's magic weapon appear here?"

"Wait!" The man's heart tightened, and he looked at Mo Yuan in surprise, and said, "Did you come from the mortal world?"

"I'll say it again, take me to see the people in power in this area." Mo Yuan's tone revealed an irresistible power.

The man frowned tightly and his heart was tight. The devilish spirit on this kid was very weak and not pure. Why could he have the power of a superior?

"Humph!!" He gritted his teeth, his aura burst out even more violently.

At the same time, several younger brothers around him also released their own power one after another, and the ferocious beasts turned into demons.

"I don't care who you are, your life, and Yan Prison are all mine!" The man sullenly stared at Yan Prison in Mo Yuan's hands greedily.

This is the blood emperor's magic weapon, if it is obtained by himself, its strength will definitely skyrocket.

Even if you can't control it, you can give those bosses a big reward.

Facing the violent power of these people, Mo Yuan raised Yan Prison without fear or fear, and his aura gradually rose.

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