The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1216: Here comes another big guy!

"Three days ago." The Scar Man frowned and said solemnly: "We have moved in for a long time, and no strange things have happened before. However, just three days ago, strange things happened suddenly here."

"We suspect that there is something unclean, so we specially..." He glanced at Ming Chan and snorted coldly: "I found a liar to take a look, but the ghost was not caught, but made the ghost even more cruel. !"

"Ahem!" Ming Chan cleared his throat awkwardly, and said quickly: "Although I don't know how to catch ghosts, I still know a lot about this."

"Let's talk about it." Luo Xiaoman squinted to Ming Chan and motioned for him to continue.

"Ghosts are very aware of the land." Ming Chan organized the language and said slowly: "If they are not necessary, it is impossible for them to leave their own territory and go to another one."

"Also, I noticed that besides a rotten smell, there is also a smell of sea on this ghost's body."

"The smell of the sea?" Luo Xiaoman raised his eyebrows, and couldn't help saying: "You mean, this female ghost came from the sea??"

"Not bad!" Ming Chan nodded, touched his chin, and said, "I think this ghost should have been driven out of the sea by something."

Luo Xiaoman narrowed his eyes, then grabbed a lollipop and held it in his mouth.

Suddenly, the sweet and sour taste made her mind more sober.

If their inference is correct, there may be a big guy hidden in the sea near here, otherwise, with the strength of that female ghost, it would be impossible to be driven out so easily.


At this moment, a roar sounded, shocking everyone's minds.

"What's the situation?" The Scar Man's heart trembled, with a look of trepidation. "Does any monster appear again?"

"Listening to the sound, it seems to be coming from the sea."

Luo Xiaoman raised his eyebrows, raised his hand and turned the lollipop in his mouth, and sneered: "It seems that the female ghost has been removed and it has already disturbed the big guy on the sea."

"Lord, master, let's run away!" Ming Chan shivered, a female ghost is so scary, let alone a guy who is stronger than a female ghost.

"Why escape?" Luo Xiaoman squinted at him and smiled.

"Master, do you have a way to get rid of him?" Ming Chan's eyes lit up, and then he was pleasantly surprised: "Yes, the master's strength is so strong, even the female ghost can easily solve it, and you can definitely get rid of this big guy."

"No! It is you who will get rid of him."


"Also, let me first declare that it is you who got rid of the female ghost."

For a while, everyone was dumbfounded!

They looked at Ming Chan in disbelief.

This liar actually got rid of the female ghost? How is this possible?

Not to mention them, even Ming Chan himself didn't believe that the female ghost was killed by himself.

"Master, you must be joking, right?" Ming Chan's mouth twitched, and the cold sweat had wetted his back spine.

"Run away! The monster is coming!!"

"Gosh! That monster swallowed a man in one bite!"

At this time, many villagers rushed back from the beach one after another, their expressions flustered, and their faces pale in fright.

"Master, let's run away too!"


Luo Xiaoman grabbed Ming Chan by the collar and walked to the beach while dragging him. "This is a great opportunity for you to perform, so how can you slip away?"

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