The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1220: This feeling is really exciting!

"I see, where are you going?" Ming Chan's eyes stunned, and the golden light on his body turned into a sharp sword and held it in his hand. "Look at I won't split you in two, cramping and peeling skin!!"


The sharp sword that Jin Mang used, with fierce power, slashed towards the soul flood.

Soul Jiao's pupils dilated, watching this sword light smash at him, but he couldn't make any response while in mid-air.


At the moment of the moment, a huge hammer swept over and broke the sword light instantly.

"What do you mean?!" Ming Chan fell on the ground, staring at Luo Xiaoman angrily.

The soul dragon is also dumbfounded!

Unexpectedly, Luo Xiaoman would save himself.

"I can't wait for the ship three days later. So..." Luo Xiaoman looked at the soul Jiao, with a sly smile on his lips. "I want him to be a ship and take us to Hongnan Kingdom!"

Soul Jiao's pupils shrank, what the hell, he was used as a boat!

As the saying goes, a soldier can be killed, not insulted...

"Are you willing?" Luo Xiaoman put the big hammer on the ground, and the dull sound, like a big bell, struck his heart.

Suddenly, the soul Jiao nodded frantically, for fear that it would be hammered into flesh after a beat.

"This is good." Luo Xiaoman put away the big hammer, raised his hand, and touched the soul Jiao.

Hmph, you humans don't have a saying that you can leave the mountains without worrying about burning wood. This time he bears the humiliation and must ask for it next time.


At this time, Ming Chan rushed forward, "You forgive him, I can't forgive him!"

His anger hasn't been vented yet, how can he stop there?

"Tsk, it's not good!" Luo Xiaoman turned around, and under the wagging horsetail, he grabbed Ming Chan's fist.

Ming Chan's pupils shrank, and the corners of his mouth twitched. His heart was dark, and again?


At the next moment, Luo Xiaoman turned his hand and slammed Ming Chan to the ground.

There was a loud bang!

"I'm going to your uncle..." Ming Chan's pupils dilated and gradually lost consciousness.

Luo Xiaoman patted his little hand, sighed with relief, and said, "This guy, you have to continue training."

"Hiss!" Seeing Luo Xiaoman's fierceness, the Soul Jiao immediately shrank his neck and kept sending her flattering messages.

"Hey, why am I lying on the ground again?" At this moment, Ming Chan sat up and looked around blankly. "Am I dead?"

However, when he saw the soul dragon behind Luo Xiaoman, his heart trembled. "Wow, weird, monster!!"

"Shut up!" Luo Xiaoman rolled his eyes, walked over, and grabbed the person. "From now on, this little snake is our ship."

"Little snake? Boat?" Ming Chan was stunned!

Not only is he stunned, but also the soul scorpion!

Why is he a little snake with such a big body?

"Little snake!"

Following Luo Xiaoman's cry, the Soul Jiao shivered, and immediately got into the sea obediently, revealing a brain door, which he regarded as a deck.

Seeing this, Ming Chan swallowed and looked shocked.

When was this big snake subdued? And so obedient, willing to be called by Luo Xiaoman as a ship.

"Let's go!" Luo Xiaoman squinted the bewildered Ming Chan, grabbed him, jumped longitudinally, and jumped onto the soul of the soul.

Ming Chan trembled all over, and he held the horns on the head of the soul, feeling anxious. He never expected that he would step on the head of this big snake now!

However, this feeling is really exciting!

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