Big size and amazing strength? !

Mo Yuan frowned, and couldn't help but think of the Wild Ancient Beast Forest, the huge beasts with amazing strength!

At the beginning, he encountered a group of extremely powerful beasts in the Wild Ancient Beast Forest. If he hadn't broken through the third seal by luck, he would be killed by these beasts, and it would be impossible to unlock the seal of the dragon!

However, the Wild Ancient Beast Forest and the Demon Realm are two separate spaces, so how can they interfere with each other?

Or do these two spaces collide with each other due to some specific reasons?


At this time, a demon walked over in a hurry.

"What's the matter?" The evil general turned around, staring at the demon coldly.

"Master Huixie, our people discovered that a space gap appeared in the depths of Heitong Canyon."


The evil general's mind tightened, and then he exchanged glances with Mo Yuan.

Mo Yuan was solemn in his heart and was silent for a while.

Although he didn't know much about the situation in the Demon Realm, he intuitively told himself that if he didn't finish the matter here, he was afraid that he would not be able to go back.

One year later, he must return to the mortal world from the devil world, otherwise...

"Let's go!" He flicked his sleeves, his aura suddenly became bitter.

Since he was the Lord of the Demon Realm before, the Demon Venerable, and now he is not strong enough, his momentum must not be weak!

"This, this is the Demon Venerable?!" The demon saw Mo Yuan, his pupils shrank, then he knelt down and said respectfully: "The subordinates have seen the Demon Venerable!"

Mo Yuan's face was cold, his awe-inspiring, shocking?

Even though his strength is not as good as every demon in the barren palace, this aura is the might of a real demon.

"The devil is back!"

At this time, a loud shout sounded and spread throughout the barren palace.

All of a sudden, many demons rushed over.

When they saw the awe-inspiring Mo Yuan, they all knelt down quickly.

"Congratulations to the demon!"

Mo Yuan swept a circle of many demons and felt their power fluctuations. It was true that each of them could easily kill his current self in seconds.

"Go, Black Pass Canyon!"

After the words fell, Mo Yuan took the lead to soar into the sky and flew towards the east.

All of a sudden, every demon followed one after another, and the scene was very shocking.

The evil general watched this scene, the corners of his lips raised slightly, and he murmured: "The devil is back, and the devil world should be reorganized."

Bibo City is a coastal town in Hongnan.

Trade here is prosperous and it is one of the most important towns in Hongnan.

"Huh, what is that?" The guard of Bibo City suddenly saw a strange picture appearing on the sea.

It seems that there are two people standing on a platform with a sharp stick on the platform, leading them slowly toward this side.

"It seems to be two people, a man and a woman."

"Are you the victims?"

"It seems... wait! What's the situation?"

At this moment, Cheng Wei discovered that this so-called platform had emerged, revealing a pair of cyan eyes, a big mouth with a blood basin slowly cracking open, revealing his mouth full of fangs.

"It's a Warcraft!!"

"Enemy attack!!"

For a time, the city guards were all operating, and they were ready to fight.

On the other side, Ming Chan saw Bibo City, but his eyes lit up, and he shouted in surprise, "We are here! Finally no seasickness!"

Luo Xiaoman raised his eyes and saw the appearance of Bibo City, a very prosperous town.

"Hahaha, they seem to be welcoming us." When Ming Chan saw the city wall, the figures moved, and the guards seemed very excited about their arrival.

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