The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1240: You should stop for a while!

"This big skeleton..." He looked at the huge skeleton that roared again and again, and flew over, and said in a deep voice: "It should be the evil thoughts of Hidden Dragon Abyss. However, this form is a bit strange, not like it. Normally complaining."

After all, ordinary evil thoughts of resentment have no substance, only the soul body.

"Roar!!" At this moment, the big skeleton waved his fist and blasted over again.

"It's so noisy!" Luo Xiaoman frowned, raised his hand and waved, the jet-black bracelet on his wrist lit up, and saw the general descending from the sky majesticly, blocking the front of the huge skeleton.

With a bang!

Big Skull's fist blasted on the general's body, his fist burst out, and there was a buzzing sound, but it didn't hurt him by half.

"Okay, let's continue." Luo Xiaoman threw the big skeleton to the general to deal with, without paying attention to it at all.

Big Skull felt a deep contempt, and an angry flame was surging in his heart, and the blue fire with his hollow eyes turned into a red flame.

"Hoho!!" He roared again and again, and the surrounding evil spirits kept flying over, completely surrounding the place.

Seeing that the big skeleton was making noise again, Luo Xiaoman shook his head and said helplessly: "Xiaoling, wait a moment!"

After speaking, her figure moved and appeared in front of the big skeleton, exuding cold killing intent.

The big skeleton was startled slightly, and then sneered in his heart. This human girl was sent to the door, and she really killed herself.

Humph, watch me hammer you away with my big fist!

Hey, wait!

She, she seems to be flying? !

Human beings usually fly in the air only when they reach the stage of transforming gods. Now this human girl can fly into the air, isn’t it...

Powerful in the transformation stage? !

Suddenly, the giant skeleton panicked and took a step back quickly.

However, the general had already rushed up, turned to his back, and quickly caught him, making him unable to move.

"Roar!!" The big skeleton screamed, wanting to summon evil creatures to support him, but these evil creatures shivered and dared not step forward.

what's the situation? !

He couldn't help looking at Luo Xiaoman, and saw the human girl in front of him, her eyes flashed with strange light, and a strange aura exuded from her body, which made him startled.

Could it be that she is oppressing these evil spirits?

"I just want you to move a bit more because you are cute. It's just that you are too noisy." Luo Xiaoman slowly floated on the head of the big skull, beautiful eyes staring at him. . "and so……"

She clenched her fist sharply, awe-inspiring. "You better stop for a while."

When the words fell, Luo Xiaoman's figure moved and slammed a punch to the big skull's forehead.

With a bang!

The forehead of the big skull was blasted out of a big hole, and the whole body was brought into the ground by a powerful force.

With a snap.

Luo Xiaoman landed on Big Skeleton, clapped his hands, and muttered: "Should I stop now?"

Xiao Ling blinked and looked at her in astonishment. "Tsk tut, little master, it's still so violent, and a little cute, it makes people love and hate."

With the power of Luo Xiaoman's fist, the big skeleton did not dare to move, lying on the ground shivering.

At this moment, Luo Xiaoman was a monster even more terrifying than evil in his eyes. This punch was about to shatter the bones of his whole body.

terrible! too frightening!

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