The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1244: See if I will crush you!

"Asshole!!" Yan Fanglin's pupils hid a flame of anger. Seeing his own people, he fell one by one, buried here, the anger was about to burst out.

"Thunder Curse!!" He gritted his teeth, took out a blue talisman, and hit Hong Nanguo.

For a time, the thunder shining in the sky, the terrible thunder's might, shocked many Hongnan soldiers!

Although they had seen the power of the Yan family's spell, they had not personally experienced it, and now they really felt the power of this thundering spell.

"Yan San is in charge!!" The general of Hong Nan Guo shouted violently, and quickly led many soldiers to retreat. However, their retreat speed is much slower than the Thunder.

"Thunder Curse!!" At this moment, another thunder flashed out and confronted Yan Fanglin's thunder.

Suddenly, thunder suddenly appeared, raging towards the surroundings, annihilating all the surrounding rocks, as well as those who could not dodge.

This is the strongest thunder curse of the spellmaster family!

Yan Fanglin frowned, panting, shaped like a crazy beast, staring at Yan Fangxiong.

He has made a mistake!

Unexpectedly, their advantage that they had finally stood up to was crushed by Yan Fangxiong at all costs.


Suddenly, Yan Fanglin noticed that, except for Yan Fangxiong's more than a hundred people, the misty people were nowhere to be seen.

"Not good!" His mind tightened and exclaimed: "Xiao Qi is in danger!"

"Oh? Did you finally notice it?" Yan Fangxiong raised his eyebrows, looked at Yan Fanglin jokingly, and said mockingly: "It's a pity, it's too late! This time, my goal is not only to destroy everything, but also Yan Qi. !"

Yan Fanglin's pupils shrank, and his heart trembled. Xiaoqi was the hope of their Yan family, and the Wu Yinzhong must not be killed.

"Everyone listens to the order and makes a way for me!! Please!"

Suddenly, the only remaining Yan family knew the seriousness of the situation, and immediately rushed forward in desperation, fighting with Yan Fangxiong's people again.

This is a battle that concerns the life and death of the forces on both sides, even if it is dead, it must be a way for Yan Er to be the master.

"Hahaha!!" Yan Fangxiong laughed wildly and said contemptuously: "Yan Fanglin, it's too late! With the strength of the misty hermit, I'm afraid Yan Qi has been killed!"

With a bang!

Suddenly, a figure flew upside down from the direction of the pass and fell heavily to the ground.

Everyone glanced intently, and couldn't help taking a breath. Isn't this a misty person?

what happened?

Yan Fangxiong's smile was stiff, and he looked in the direction of Guankou in astonishment.

At this moment, Yan Fanglin also looked over, only to see two figures rushing over quickly.

"Your uncle!" A grumpy voice came, cursing: "If you dare to attack this uncle, you will all die!!"

"Ming Chan?!" Yan Fanglin couldn't help being slightly startled when he saw the visitor, his expression stunned. "He is the same as before?"

At this time, Ming Chan was exuding golden light, and the golden light hidden in his eyes was even more shocking.

"Second Uncle, we're here to support you!" Luo Qi yelled, and then with a thought, the Tortoise appeared and blocked the misty people who were catching up.

Bang bang bang!

Tortoise's defense is amazing, even if the strength of the fog hermit is strong, there is no way to break through its defense line.

"Uncle Beard, I will bear you for a long time!" Ming Chan's gaze fell on Yan Fangxiong, and he shouted violently, "Today, see if I will crush you!!"

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