The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1248: I was forcibly recognized as the Lord!

"Understand!" Luo Qi clenched his fists and nodded heavily, his heart was full of energy.

No matter what the price is, he must be recognized by all directions!

"Huh, are you all here?" At this moment, a familiar voice came from the sky. Luo Qi just raised his head and saw Luo Xiaoman descend from the sky and land in front of him.

"Teacher Xiaoman!!" Luo Qi looked at her gratefully, and said quickly: "Thank you for reactivating all directions."

"Everyone listens to the order and pays the highest tribute to Miss Luo!" Yan Fanglin waved, everyone lined up and bowed deeply to Luo Xiaoman.

"Thank you Miss Luo!"

Seeing their formation, Luo Xiaoman was embarrassed.

She scratched her head, cleared her throat, and said, "Actually, there is one thing, I have to make it clear to you."

"Miss Luo, please speak."

"That's right!" Luo Xiaoman touched his nose again, hesitated for a while, then smiled bitterly: "I was not careful and was forcibly recognized by Shifang Jumei."


Suddenly, not only Yan Fanglin, but even the Yan family were confused!

They stared at Luo Xiaoman in disbelief.

"Sorry!" Luo Xiaoman smiled awkwardly. Originally, she helped others to reactivate all directions, but in the end she was recognized as the master. This oolong is really not an ordinary mess.

"Miss Luo, you, did you really get the approval of all directions?" Yan Fanglin swallowed and said grimly.

He doesn't know what to say anymore?

All the ten directions are destroyed. It is the heirloom of the Yan family and the symbol of the Patriarch. Now it is taken by an outsider. How can this be worthy of the ancestors?

Want to grab it back?

He has no strength!

Want Luo Xiaoman to return?

A magical weapon as powerful as Shifang Jumei is not easily returned by an individual, right?

"Oh, I can't help it." Luo Xiaoman spread his hands and said with a wry smile: "If I accidentally used too much force, I was recognized as the master."

"Of course, I refuse, but Shi Fang Ju An already has spirituality, so I want to follow me!"

After all, Luo Xiaoman's heart moved and summoned all the ten directions.

Close up, Shi Fang Jumei is like a bracelet with ten shiny diamonds around it, which looks very beautiful.

"Hey, don't follow me." Luo Xiaoman flicked all directions and looked towards Luo Qi, "Your master is Xiao Qiqi!"

Shi Fang Ju Mie was shot at Luo Qi, but quickly flew back, lovingly surrounding Luo Xiaoman's side, completely reluctant to leave.

Seeing this scene, Yan Fanglin was dumbfounded and dumbfounded.

Since the Yan family had tried their best to get Shifang Jumei's approval, it was hard to imagine that Shifang Jumei would pester Luo Xiaoman as his master.

"Have you seen it?" Luo Xiaoman sighed, very helpless. "I also want to return it to you, but the ten directions are all unwilling!"

"Also, this guy is quite annoying." She muttered to herself. "It's a bit too bright, and Ling Zhui is still piercing, disgusting."

Yan Fanglin is already doubting life!

The magic weapon that others dreamed of also fell on Luo Xiaoman's body, but it was disgusting in every way!

No way!

I have to take a sip of tea and be shocked!

"Second Uncle, this..." Luo Qi was at a loss.

"What else?" Yan Fanglin sighed and said with a wry smile: "This is a choice of all directions, we have no choice!"

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