Two purple charms shone with brilliance, and suddenly two purple lights shot out, alternately sinking into each other's eyebrows.

Ming Chan only felt a tremor all over, feeling that a strange force broke into his mind, constantly stimulating his soul.

"Twin souls are things that spell masters dream of." Yan Fangxiong's eyes flashed with greed. "It won't be long before this stuff is mine."

"Ah!!!" Ming Chan shivered, screamed in pain, trembling all over, feeling like his soul was being grasped by a hand, pulling out desperately.


With a buzzing sound, a picture appeared in his mind.

It was that night again, and it was the man again. Under his feet, the corpses were all over the ground. The scarlet blood dyed the earth red, and the strong smell of blood continuously irritated the tip of his nose.

"Hahaha, the Dark Thunder Curse, and the twin souls are all my Yan Fangxiong's things."

With the stimulation of this sentence, Ming Chan's memory was like a stubborn rock that had been split apart, surging out like a tide.

"It's you?!" He widened his eyes, staring at Yan Fangxiong angrily, and said cruelly: "You killed my father and mother. You slaughtered the entire Ming family!"

"Oh? Did you remember it at last?" Yan Fangxiong raised his eyebrows and looked at the furious Ming Chan jokingly. "However, you don't have to worry. You will be able to go down with your loved ones soon. So, you should thank me!!"

"I killed you!!" Ming Chan roared, his eyes staring at Yan Fangxiong like fire, but under the confinement of the opponent's purple talisman, he couldn't move.

"Oh, kill me? You just think about it." Yan Fangxiong twitched the corner of his mouth, and then slammed Ming Chan to the ground. The terrifying force exploded, shaking his heart tight, and a mouthful of blood came out.

"However, in your current situation, I am afraid that there is no time to think about it."

Ming Chan rolled his eyes, his soul peeled off his body under the stimulation of the purple talisman.

At the same time, his memory also exploded at this moment, falling into the whirlpool of the past.



"Father, I have the fireball charm today." A little boy like a porcelain doll ran to a man and said with a smile, "Look!"

The little boy took out a yellow talisman, and with a thought, the yellow talisman immediately turned into a fireball.

However, the fireball did not last long, but it quaked violently!

"Wow!" He exclaimed and saw the fireball burst out suddenly.

"Be careful!" The man grabbed the little boy and put it in his arms without letting the explosion flame hurt the little boy.

He sighed, and said angrily: "Chan'er, you are still young and can't do one mind and two purposes. Therefore, you must concentrate on casting the spell, otherwise you will lose control."

"I know." Xiao Ming Chan pouted, with a hint of grievance on his small face.

The man looked at him like this, then hugged him up and said: "I heard that your mother will cook by herself today, or... let's go and see."

"Really?" Xiao Mingchan's eyes lit up, his originally aggrieved face, instantly like a blooming flower, smiled openly, and said, "I like eating delicacies cooked by my mother the most."

"Haha, you little glutton." The man raised his hand and scratched Xiao Mingchan's nose fondly.

"Slightly!" Xiao Mingchan spit out his little tongue and hummed: "Who makes the delicious food made by my mother? Don't dad think so?"

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