Luo Xiaoman frowned slightly, then raised his hand and said in a low voice, "All directions are gone!"

As soon as the voice fell, a ring of brilliance swirled out, hovering above Luo Xiaoman’s heavenly spirit, and the ten surrounding Lingzhu felt the evil movement around, and flew out suddenly, passing through them like streamers. Evil body.

Suddenly, all the evil spirits that were passed through by the streamer were all annihilated instantly!

The ten directions are all destroyed, but the evil nemesis, with it sitting on the ground, these evil evils are all shocked, and they dare not come to offend Luo Xiaoman and the others.

"It's amazing!!" Ming Chan's eyes were shining, and seeing the magic weapon body of all ten directions, his courage immediately became fat, pointing at the evil spirits, and cursing: "Hmph, you ugly and disgusting Come here guys! I stand here and don't move, let you ravage you!"

"Xiao Ming, are you very arrogant?" Luo Xiaoman squinted at Ming Chan proudly, and said with a faint smile: "Or...I will send you out to have close contact with these evil men?"

"No, no, no!" Ming Chan repeatedly shook his head and smiled awkwardly: "Master, how can you treat me this way? What is my name? Is a fox fake!"

"So, you quickly shut up!" Luo Xiaoman rolled his eyes and said contemptuously: "If you make another noise, I will throw you out."

"Okay!" Ming Chan covered his mouth again, looking at Luo Xiaoman nervously.

Luo Xiaoman's attention returned to Hidden Dragon Abyss itself. The height of their fall is at least several hundred meters, but they still don't know how deep the abyss is.

However, if you fall so passively, you will really be thrown into flesh!

"Chi Chi!!" Following Luo Xiaoman's call, a big flaming bird appeared.

"Master, you are finally willing to ask sister to come out!" Chi Chi looked at Luo Xiaoman with a grimace, just about to flap his wings, suddenly his body fell uncontrollably. "Ah! What the **** is this? Why can't sister fly?"

"Chichi, can't even you fly?"

"Yes! I feel that there is a strange power here that prevents me from flying into the air!"

Chi Chi's expression was solemn and depressed. He didn't expect that as soon as she came out, she fell down with the little master.

"Damn! The talking bird!!" Ming Chan reacted here and said with a shocked expression: "Here, this guardian spirit beast can even speak!"

"What's the matter with this idiot?" Chi Chi squinted at Ming Chan, seeing him look shocked, as if he had never seen the world.

"This is my new servant."

"Oh, little master, why do you collect everything? A guy like this, with a long face and no brains, should be let him go." Chi Chi shook his head, and didn't care about the situation of falling down. , Couldn't help but complain. "Look at him, at first glance, he is very handsome, but when you look closely, he has a small nose, small eyes, and small mouth. At first glance, he is as timid as a mouse."

Luo Xiaoman's cheeks twitched, feeling that she shouldn't call Chi Chi out, and at this moment turned on Tucao mode!

"You, what are you talking about?!" Ming Chan was stunned, he was even spit out by a big bird. "You roast chicken, it's a waste not to be a roast chicken."

"What's your sister? Burning chicken?!" Chi Chi stared, and the flames on his body rose up, and said angrily: "That sister will let you know what is burning butt!"


A flame burst out, and Chao Mingchan's **** burned over.

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