The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1272: That familiar figure!

"Hey, how does this guy feel a little different from before?" Chi Chi tilted his head, and looked at this golden gleaming Ming Chan suspiciously.

"What are you looking at? Haven't you seen a handsome guy?" Ming Chan squinted with red eyes and couldn't help but complain.

He has changed, but his ability to vomit has not changed!

Chi Chi was startled, suddenly unhappy.

She has always complained about others, how can I let this guy complain about her now?

"Chi Chi, Da Bai, come here!" Seeing Chi Chi ready to go, Luo Xiaoman quickly greeted him, "I feel like it's almost the end now."

Suddenly, Chi Chi slammed his wings and moved towards Luo Xiaoman with Dabai.

"Master, are you going to the end?" Ming Chan was startled slightly, and then exclaimed: "But, at our current speed, I'm afraid we will be thrown to death!!"

"Don't worry, I can't die!" Luo Xiaoman curled his lips, his face full of confidence. "With me, none of you can die!"

Seeing her so calm and confident, Ming Chan couldn't help but sink his heart.

I have to say that there is a charm in this owner, which is naturally convincing. It seems that as long as she feels that there is no problem, then there must be no problem.

Luo Xiaoman squinted his eyes and looked at the space in front of him. There was a lot of light in the originally dark space, which meant that they were about to end.

This is the self-illumination of underground minerals!


At this moment, there were bursts of abnormal noises around, and I saw that the places where there was bright light around, cracked one after another, revealing thick cracks.

Luo Xiaoman frowned tightly, staring at the cracks.

Suddenly, her attention was tightly locked by a crack.

In this crack, she actually saw a figure who was thinking about it.

"How is it possible? That is... Yuan?!"

A long figure stood proudly on a huge rock.

Standing with his hands behind him, the black cloak with the pattern of the beasts turned with the wind, revealing an aloofness.

His eyes were focused, and the terrifying divine light from his eyes seemed to have nothing to cover his eyes in this world.

At the same time, behind him, there are strong figures standing neatly.

They wore battle armor, their eyes fell on Mo Yuan's body, revealing a deep respect, because this is the eternal king in their hearts, the king who rules the entire demon world.

"Devil Lord!" The evil general flew over and landed beside Mo Yuan. His expression revealed a trace of worry, and said: "Now the cracks in Heitong Canyon are getting bigger and bigger, and a weird force is escaping. , Is devouring the magic energy of the Demon Realm."

"Swallowing the devilish energy of the Demon Realm?" Mo Yuan frowned slightly and tilted his eyes at the evil general in doubt.

"The demon energy of the demon world is something that keeps the entire demon world running, just like the spiritual energy of the human world. Once the demon energy or spiritual energy is scarce, the world will become lifeless." The evil general raised his eyes and looked at the darkness in front of him. Entrance of the Black Pass Canyon. "I suspect that there is a powerful guy who is stealing the magic energy of the demon world to cultivate."

"Cultivation?" Mo Yuan squinted his eyes and said coldly, "The Devil Realm and the Immortal Realm are standing side by side at the top of the Three Realms and the Six Paths. Is there anything that can steal devil energy to cultivate?"

The three realms and the six realms, the three realms are the human realms, the immortal realms, the devil realms, and the six realms are the evil realms, ghost realms, animal realms, asura realms, mass realms, and no realms.

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