The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1285: Strengthen the general!

"Have you heard some." Luo Xiaoman nodded, and some memories of the previous life emerged in his mind. "The candlestick, black flame, wild ancient, eastern green, and lunar, are the five ancient dragons."

Having said that, she glanced at the little dragon who was walking around. Who would have thought that this little thing would be one of the five ancient dragons, the ancients?

However, how he became the first fierce beast in the ancient times, and how he became the guardian spirit beast of Mo Yuan, the ancient devil dragon, is unknown.

"Yes!" Xiao Ling smiled. "This black flame, among the five ancient dragons, can definitely rank in the top three in strength. He is a powerful existence that controls space!"

"No matter how powerful it is?" Luo Xiaoman rolled his eyes and said angrily, "Isn't it that he was killed by the King of Hidden Dragon Abyss!"

"Oh, legend, who knows if it's true or not..."

"Mother, they have all written down." At this time, Xiaolong flew back and said with a smug expression: "Quickly praise people!!"

"Little dragon is awesome!" Luo Xiaoman squeezed Xiaolong's round face and praised him.

"Hey, then...does your mother have any rewards?" Xiaolong looked at Luo Xiaoman eagerly. "I'm going to eat a lollipop!"

"Well, two for you, enough?" Luo Xiaoman shook his head with a bitter smile, dare to feel that this little guy is so active to eat a lollipop!

After that, she took out two lollipops and handed them to Xiaolong.

"Thank you, mother, my mother is so nice!" Xiaolong held a lollipop in his mouth, while the other was hidden. He wanted to save it and taste it later.

Seeing Xiaolong licking the lollipop, Xiao Ling was greedy and couldn't help swallowing. "By the way, little master, your second brother has something for me to give you!"


Luo Xiaoman raised his eyebrows and looked at him suspiciously.

It's just that Xiao Ling's twisted, small eyes kept suggesting her.

Luo Xiaoman rolled his eyes, took out another lollipop, and handed it over. "give!"

"Thank you little master, the little master is so nice!!" Xiao Ling's eyes lit up, and he quickly grabbed the lollipop, feeling happy.

"What about things?"

"Here it!"

Xiao Ling took out a black bracelet and handed it over.

Luo Xiaoman was startled slightly, this black bracelet was very similar to the general's.

She took it, and before she had time to observe, the black bracelet squeaked and merged with the general's black bracelet.

"Your second brother said, it is estimated that the performance of the general now can't keep up with your strength, so I specially strengthened it for you." Xiao Ling said while licking the lollipop.

"Oh?" Luo Xiaoman curled his lips, and couldn't help but look forward to it, wondering what kind of surprise the second brother would give her?


Following Luo Xiaoman's call, the black bracelet did not respond at all!

"What's the matter?" She frowned, looking at the black shiny black bracelet suspiciously.

"Oh, I almost forgot, your second brother changed the summoning password!"


"It seems... come out, super invincible general!"


The corners of Luo Xiaoman's mouth twitched and his head was covered with black lines. Such a second-second password is indeed the second brother's style!

"Okay, let's continue to study this space." She selectively ignored the password and didn't want to call the general.

However, Da Bai and Chi Chi walked over together, looking at her eagerly.

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