The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1288: The sky is not afraid, the earth is not afraid, but the insects grow hair!

Ming Chan curled his lips, the golden light in his eyes flickered, and he suddenly raised the big hammer.

He was secretly shocked, the owner looked petite and weak, why can he lift such a big and heavy hammer, this is too unbelievable?

Also, there are so many weapons in the world, why does she love big hammers alone?


At this moment, the big meat ball fell on the ground and rolled over here quickly.

"Hey, it's my turn to show off this time!!" Ming Chan's eyes flashed with golden light, he set his horse stance, held the big hammer in both hands, then aimed at the big meat ball and swung it vigorously.

With a bang!

The big meat ball was hammered again.

Perhaps because of Ming Chan's twin soul characteristics, under the shining golden light, this big ball of flesh exploded in midair.

Suddenly, patches of black and lacquer things poured down like rain.

"What?" Luo Xiaoman was stunned, and then quickly avoided, but there were too many of these things, no matter how fast they were to hide, a lot of things still fell on her.

"Hey, it's disgusting!!" Ming Chan patted what fell on his body, glanced at it, and said in disgust, "It turned out to be a caterpillar!"


A flame rolled over, instantly burning the surrounding caterpillars to ashes.

"These caterpillars only appear in cold, resentment places. There are so many caterpillars here, which shows how heavy the resentment of this Hidden Dragon Abyss is." Chi Chi said solemnly.

"Master, what's the matter with you?" At this moment, Ming Chan noticed that Luo Xiaoman's expression was different, he seemed to freeze, and his small face was pale and bloodless.

At the same time, there were several caterpillars crawling on her body.

These caterpillars were covered with hairs that were transformed by resentment. Compared with other caterpillars, there was no obvious difference, the same hairy.

"Are you afraid of this caterpillar?!" Ming Chan seemed to have discovered the New World, and said in surprise: "God! The fearless master is actually afraid of caterpillars?!"

Luo Xiaoman turned his gaze and stared at him fiercely. "You say it again?"

"Hey! Let me say it again, I'll just say, isn't it very shameless?" Ming Chan held back his smile, raised his hand and grabbed the caterpillar on Luo Xiaoman's body and crushed it calmly. "Oh, everyone seems to have weaknesses, but...Master, your weaknesses are a little too weak."

These caterpillars gathered into a fleshy ball, which was quite oppressive, but after being scattered by a sledgehammer and becoming an individual, it did not threaten him at all.


At this time, Chi Chi spit out a flame, carefully avoiding Luo Xiaoman, and burning the caterpillars on her body to ashes.


Without the caterpillars, Luo Xiaoman couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and his little face also recovered some blood.

She is not afraid of the heavens and the earth, she is afraid that insects will grow hair, especially these caterpillars, the hairs that resentment are so exuberant and elegant, really don't be too disgusting!

"Chi Chi, burn all these caterpillars to ashes for me!!"


Chi Chi flapped his wings, rushed into the air, and burst out a flame, burning all the caterpillars trying to reassemble into a meat ball to ashes.

"Hmph, dare to scare the little master, sister will burn you to death!!"


Da Bai was also angry, and the hair all over his body flew out like needles, stabbing these caterpillars to the heart.

Ming Chan shrank his neck and dared not laugh at Luo Xiaoman.

If you get upset, let Chi Chi and Da Bai give him a look, you will have to lose your skin if you don't die!

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