The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1302: Worthy of being a little **** stick!

Monki squinted his eyes, suddenly raised the machete, and slashed wildly around.

The big sword vigorously sank, sending out a series of sword lights, to blast off the formation.

However, no matter how he attacks, these swordsmans can hardly shake the battle.

"Don't understand?" Ming Chan shook his head, touched his soft short hair, and said helplessly: "You are evil thoughts, as long as your attack is filled with resentment, it is impossible to destroy this formation. This formation , But it contains the power of my twin soul, it is impossible to be broken by your evil thoughts."

"Tsk tusk, this idiot, he's quite smart!" Chi Chi tut said: "I was so crushed at the beginning, but I can calm down and analyze so much, not bad."

"Do you know what the magic stick is the most powerful?" Luo Xiaoman said while following Da Bai Mao.

"Huh?" Chi Chi tilted his head and looked at her with a puzzled look.

"It's observation!" Luo Xiaoman hooked his lips and smiled lightly: "In order to better fool the target, they will observe many details of the target and then find the flaws, and Xiao Ming inherited this very well."

"Oh oh, you deserve to be a little **** stick who has been walking around for many years!"

"Hey, what are you talking nonsense? Don't think I can't hear you!" Ming Chan was not happy. "The **** stick is the other me, not the current me!"

Is there a difference?

Luo Xiaoman and Chi Chi looked at each other, aren't they all alone?



Without waiting for Ming Chan to continue yelling, a violent breath surged over.

"Oh, don't you give up?" He stared at Monkey, who was full of tyrannical aura, and said disdainfully: "Anything you resist is futile!"

"Hmph, as long as this general has a breath left, I will never give up!!" Monqi snorted coldly, then brandished a big knife and plunged into the ground.

Suddenly, a surge of sword strength penetrated the ground and spread out to the surroundings!

Boom boom boom!

Under this sword strength, the ground quickly cracked and shattered, and it continued to move towards the spells of all directions.

"What!?" Ming Chan's pupils shrank and exclaimed, "This guy actually wants to break the trapped formation in this way?"

Since an attack with resentment cannot break the formation, then destroy the terrain here to achieve the purpose of destroying the formation!


The power of Dao Jin exploded, and the entire ground was cracked, and the spells of various positions also disrupted the arrangement under this turmoil.

Soon, the formation that trapped Monki was instantly broken!

"It's over!!" Ming Chan widened his eyes and looked at Mon Qi who had come out of the trapped formation with a horrified expression. "This is really over!"

"Don't worry, this general will give you a happy one!!" Monqi twitched the corner of his mouth, and then his figure moved, like black lightning, rushing towards Ming Chan.


He brandished a machete, pointed it at Ming Chan's neck, and slashed it.


At the moment of the moment, Meng Qi's figure froze, and the machete in his hand stopped ten centimeters away from Ming Chan's neck, and he could no longer move half a minute.

"What's the matter?" He looked shocked, struggling desperately, but was still unable to move.

"Tsk tusk, this knife is too scary." Ming Chan stretched out two fingers, pinched the machete, and carefully removed it. "If I were to slow down a little bit, I guess I would fall to the ground."

"What did you do to me?!" Meng Qi widened his eyes and said angrily.

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