The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1308: Are you a dragon, ancient? !

"Wow!!" At this time, Dabai rushed over, opened his mouth, and bit Hei Yan.

"Huh, the descendants of the four sacred beasts, dare to offend this seat?" Hei Yan turned around, a dragon wobbled his tail, and drew towards Da Bai fiercely.

With a bang!

Da Bai was pumped out and hit the wall hard.

"Huh!!!" At this moment, Chi Chi also flew up, a flame ignited on his body, and he rushed directly towards Hei Yan.

"If you are Suzaku's unquenchable fire, this seat will still be afraid of three points, but you are still too tender!" Hei Yan greeted Chi Chi strongly, seemingly no longer afraid of the flame's restraint on him.

"What?!" Chi Chi was stunned. He didn't expect Hei Yan to meet him directly. Didn't he know that he was just a ray of remnant soul?


Hei Yan roared angrily, and the moment he was about to hit, his figure disappeared instantly.


Chi Chi was taken aback, turned his head quickly, and saw that Hei Yan had passed through her, and rushed towards Luo Xiaoman.

"It's space traversal!!" She woke up, Black Flame's ability is to manipulate space. Even though her strength is greatly reduced, she can also travel through short distances!


"Three forms of breaking the sky, the second form, desperate!"

Luo Xiaoman's eyes drenched, and he slammed a sledgehammer. This wave did not move at all, but only brought out a gust of wind.

However, Hei Yan's body was hit hard, and the flying figure suddenly stopped.

"Your mental power is so powerful?" Hei Yan looked at Luo Xiaoman with a shocked look. This killer was invisible, but it implies a powerful mental impact. As a ray of remnant soul, such an attack is fundamental It's hard to guard against.

"Xiao Ming!!"


Luo Xiaoman yelled, but was too lazy to talk nonsense with Hei Yan, and gave Ming Chan an instruction.

Suddenly, Ming Chan jumped over, with golden glow all over his body, and immediately condensed into a long knife, which he grasped in his hand.

Twin soul, evil nemesis, nightmare of spellmaster!

Even if Ming Chan's strength is not as good as the **** transformation stage, such characteristics are deadly enough for the current Hei Yan!

"Look at me splitting you into two!" Ming Chan brandished a golden knife, aimed at the middle section of Hei Yan's body, and slashed hard.

"Roar!!" Hei Yan roared angrily, and under a meander, the figure disappeared again, causing Ming Chan's golden sword to slash away.

Suddenly, Luo Xiaoman turned around and saw Hei Yan open his mouth wide, pounced towards her.

"little Master!"

"the host!!"

Chi Chi, Ming Chan exclaimed, Luo Xiaoman couldn't escape at such a close distance!

However, Luo Xiaoman seemed to have expected Hei Yan to do this a long time ago, and his expression remained calm.

At this moment, a domineering dragon yin exploded, and from behind Luo Xiaoman, a huge dragon head appeared. Those oily green eyes opened, and Hei Yan was instantly suppressed.

"this is……"

Before he could finish speaking, a huge body occupies the entire cave, which is worthless compared to the previous Black Flame.

"Ancient?!" Hei Yan exclaimed, the Shenlong in front of him was so familiar, so shocked him. "No, this is not Huanggu! Even though it looks alike, it's still quite different from Huanggu's aura."

"This is my son, Xiaolong!" Luo Xiaoman raised his hand, touched the huge dragon head, and whispered in a low voice: "He has just refined the black crystal and his strength has improved a lot. Now he wants to find a rival Check your strength, you are a good training target!"

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