The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1327: Sorry, I already know!

The village's reception standards for Luo Xiaoman and others are very high. Basically, every villager has contributed a lot to take out the good things treasured in their homes.

However, for Luo Xiaoman and Ming Chan, the cuisine of the Shura clan is really not flattering.

Basically, they cook in the roughest way, the most is to make the food cooked and tasteful, nothing more.

In Shura Road, there is no distinction between night and day. Basically, the sun and the moon are in the same glory, but they will choose to fall asleep at a certain time to restore their physical strength.

As many Asuras fell asleep, Sharu, who was covered with gauze and showed only four pairs of red eyes, was helped by his younger brother and walked out of the village with difficulty.

"Saru, do you really want to go by yourself?" a little brother said worriedly.

"Not bad!" Sharu said with a sullen face and gritted his teeth: "Only when my eldest brother sees my misery, he will avenge me in the craziest way!"

"But, your current situation is very unstable, I'm afraid..."

"Can't die!" Sharu clenched his fists, and there was a burst of pain in his body, which constantly stimulated his brain, and seemed to pass out of pain at any time.

However, the anger and resentment in his heart supported this severely injured body so that it did not fall. "Even if I only take a breath, I will climb to the front of Big Brother!"

The little brothers looked at each other, they could feel that Sharu's resentment was deep. After all, no one could calm down after being burned off a layer of skin.


"What if those two humans are really the agents of King Shura?" Suddenly, a little brother frowned, worried.

"Impossible!" Sharu shook his head, and said firmly with a face: "Even if the Shura King has a grudge against the Shura clan, it is impossible to let two humans be his agents."


"I know you think that so-called incarnation is very shocking, but don't forget that there is something called a magic weapon in the human world, and that iron lump is very likely a magic weapon!"

Hearing what he said, the younger brothers believed it for half a point, and the remaining half could only be verified by Sharu's eldest brother.

As long as Sharu's eldest brother comes over, as a warrior under his general Shura, he will definitely determine the authenticity of the opponent's identity.

"You go back first. Try not to let other villagers know that I have left." Shalu said solemnly: "If they know that I am leaving, you will definitely be suspicious. Be prepared in advance!"


"Sorry, I already know!"

At this moment, a cold voice came, and it hit Sharu's heart hard.

Sharu raised his eyes and saw that today's beautiful and lovable, heroic human woman. "What do you want to do?"

"Heh, need to ask?" Luo Xiaoman's figure moved and stood in front of Sharu, his aura waved away, and all those little brothers flew out. "Of course it's killing people."

"You, you..." Shalu widened his eyes and looked at Luo Xiaoman in shock. He read a trace of killing intent from the opponent's eyes.


Luo Xiaoman squeezed Sharu's neck and said coldly: "Today, I should have killed you. It's a hundred. However, in order to implement King Shura's philosophy, I specially let you go. It's just that, I personally I don’t want any flaws around me, so..."

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