
At this moment, a powerful momentum burst out, passing through the hearts of many Guru.

Suddenly, their minds tightened, they closed their mouths, and looked at Luo Xiaoman with horror, as if they were all shocked by this momentum.

"The Road of Shura is the world ruled by King Shura. Any creatures here are the people of King Shura." Luo Xiaoman raised his head, and said with a divine voice: "No matter how weak or humble you are, as long as your heart If you believe in King Shura, you can change your destiny and you will no longer be enslaved by the Shura clan."

"Because you are also the people of King Shura, and the status of the Shura clan is equal."

The Guru looked at each other, as if they were all calmed by Luo Xiaoman's words.

"Don't believe her." Old Gulu was the first to react and said quickly: "She is deceiving us. Wait for us to relax our vigilance, and then subdue us!"

After being reminded by him, many Guru also reacted, but they felt that the human woman in front of them was very strong, even if they all killed them, they would not hurt the other side at all!

"Elder!" At this moment, a Guru escorted Boqi, and Ming Chan came over. "We just caught a Shura, and a human!"

"Okay, very good!!" Seeing Ming Chan and Boqi, Old Gulu couldn't help but brighten his eyes, and said to Luo Xiaoman, "If I guessed correctly, they must be your friends?"

Luo Xiaoman frowned, looking helplessly at Ming Chan and Boqi. "Why are you two arrested?"

"Woo, Master, you hurry up and save us!" The moment Ming Chan saw Luo Xiaoman, he burst into tears. "We fell into the trap just now, and then we were tied up."

"Stoudemire!!" Boqi saw Stoudemire who was unconscious and couldn't help exclaiming.

"Shut up for me!" Old Gulu took out a knife, pointed at Porch, and said in a deep voice: "If you are noisy again, I will kill you immediately."

Boqi was startled slightly, and then stared at Old Gulu angrily. "You lowly Guru, dare to do something to our Asura. Just wait to meet the anger of the Asura clan."

"Hahaha, you can't protect yourself, so dare to be hard?" Old Gulu curled his lips and said mockingly: "When you are all dead, I believe other Shura will not know we did it."

"Enough!" At this moment, Luo Xiaoman yelled, attracting the attention of many grunts again. "I said, you are all people of King Shura, and you must not kill each other."

"My Envoy..." Poqi was stunned, looking at Luo Xiaoman blankly.

On the other hand, Ming Chan turned his eyes and seemed to understand Luo Xiaoman's meaning, this is to collect these guru!

"Not bad!" He cleared his throat and immediately became solemn and holy. "This time the Shura King appointed us two as agents to unite the entire Shura Dao. Whether it is the Shura clan, the Guru, or other races, you are all the people of the Shura King."

"In order for the entire Asura Dao to develop, you must lower your prejudices and support each other in order to make the Asura Dao stronger."

Whether it was Guru or Boqi, Ming Chan said it in a daze.

They couldn't help but wonder, is this really the will of King Shura? You know, Guru is the lowest race of the Asura Dao, and has been enslaved by the Asura clan for many years. Why is this relationship suddenly broken?

Luo Xiaoman hooked his lips and glanced at Ming Chan with admiration. With the help of this magic stick, it would be much easier to brainwash these grunts.

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