The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1350: Be with you and smooth the ethereal world!

"You mean Xiao Ming? He is my servant." Luo Xiaoman scratched his head and said: "He is the twin soul, the nemesis of the evil spellmaster, so he took it and used it as a pathfinder."

"Really?" Mo Yuan pressed harder step by step, their faces were very close, and they could feel each other's breath. "He just gave you a massage!"

"This...isn't it normal? He is a servant, and he is justified in serving his master." Luo Xiaoman's heart was choked, this time is good, the vinegar jar has become a vinegar jar!

"But, I don't like it." Mo Yuan squinted his eyes and said domineeringly: "You are mine. I don't allow anyone to touch your body."

"This..." Luo Xiaoman's mouth twitched, and no one was allowed to touch it. If father, mother, and elder brother touched them, wouldn't you also take a knife?

She raised her eyes and glanced at Mo Yuan, who looked solemn and reluctant. Suddenly a sly flashed in her eyes, and she suddenly leaned in and pecked on Mo Yuan's lips.

Suddenly, Mo Yuan was shocked, and his whole body was stunned, his head was blank, no matter how jealous he was.

"Yuan, let's study this Hao Dzi Bead." Luo Xiaoman raised his hand and took the Hao Dzi from Mo Yuan's hand.

However, the moment she touched the Hao Dzi Bead, the Hao Dzi Bead, which had been dim and dull, immediately lit up.

Luo Xiaoman's eyes widened, feeling that he was enveloped by a vast force, and the surrounding Asura Dao aura was continuously absorbed by the Hao Dzi Beads, and then transformed into the aura that she could absorb, quickly regaining the consumed essence.

"Xiaoman!" Seeing Luo Xiaoman surrounded by white light, Mo Yuan reacted and quickly wanted to step forward and **** Hao Tianzhu away.

"Yuan, I'm fine!" Luo Xiaoman said quickly: "This Hao Tianzhu seems to echo my chaotic body."

The Hao Tianzhu is a creature of heaven and earth, and Luo Xiaoman's chaotic body is also a kind of heaven and earth, and there is no one in a million physique. The two collide together, but they exert an unimaginable effect.

"Hao Tianzhu, it is really extraordinary." Luo Xiaoman exclaimed in his heart, feeling that the sea of ​​qi in his body was moving fast, and his cultivation speed was much faster than before. "No matter where you are, as long as you have the Hao Dzi Bead, you can transform your power into one that suits you."

In a short while, all of Luo Xiaoman's lost True Qi recovered.

"This feeling is really wonderful." She curled the corners of her lips, holding the Hao Dzi in her hand, and muttered: "No wonder that old Ling Tian wanted me to find Hao Dzi. As long as there is Hao Dzi. Transforming the power of thunder tribulation, I should be able to survive the ninefold thunder tribulation!"

"Xiaoman, shall we go back now?" Mo Yuan was also excited, as long as Xiaoman could spend his adulthood safely, he would be relieved.

"No." Luo Xiaoman shook his head, his eyes flashed with sharp cold light. "The supreme old thief gave me such a great contribution, and I will pay it back ten times."

Mo Yuan was startled slightly, realizing that Luo Xiaoman already had a plan in his heart.

"I want to take the entire Asura clan so that they will become an important force against the misty fairy world in the future." Luo Xiaoman looked at the sky and said domineeringly.

Mo Yuan was also infected by Luo Xiaoman's domineering. "Xiaoman, as long as you want to, I will accompany you to the end. At that time, I will lead the Demon Realm army and level the Misty Fairy Realm with you.

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