The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1354: There is nothing that a good meal can't solve!

"Wow!" Xiaolong opened his mouth calmly, and in front of Xiao Ling, it opened wider and wider, it was like a black hole, this is the rhythm to swallow Xiao Ling together!

Xiao Ling's eyes widened, and he looked blankly at Xiao Long with his mouth wide open. "You snack food... well, you won!"

Suddenly, he threw his front leg over and sat on the ground with a sullen expression, clasping his round buttocks. "Little master, look at Xiaolong, don't give me the rhythm to eat!"

Luo Xiaoman shook his head with a bitter smile, and then gave Mo Yuan a look.

Mo Yuan knew it well, raised his hand and said quietly, "Little dragon, come here."

"Daddy, here you are!" Xiaolong snorted and landed on Mo Yuan's shoulder. At this moment, he was so behaved.

Mo Yuan raised a finger and scratched Xiaolong's head. Xiaolong comfortably closed his mung bean eyes and enjoyed his comfort. "Xiaolong, eat food slowly, like your way of eating just now, but there will be no next time."

"Woo~ I know." Xiaolong pursed his lips and nodded hurriedly.

"Here!" Mo Yuan smiled, then tore off a large piece of barbecue and handed it to Xiaolong. "You have to really know."

Xiaolong's eyes lit up, and he quickly opened his mouth. Just as he was about to swallow this piece of barbecue, Mo Yuan drew a sharp look.

"Hey, used to it, used to it!" He said with a grin, and then took this piece of barbecue in one bite, licking it carefully, like a cat who protects food.

Seeing this, Mo Yuan turned to Luo Xiaoman and gave her a relieved look.

You deserve to be Xiaolong’s master. If you change to her, you won’t be so tame. The reason why Xiaolong grabbed Xiaoling’s barbecue just now was because he thought that the barbecue was in Xiaoling’s hands and that was Xiaoling’s, so he grabbed Xiaoling’s. Barbecue is not to grab the barbeque of your mother!

"Da Bai, Chi Chi, let's be together." Luo Xiaoman's eyes turned. Anyway, now Xiao Ling and Xiao Long have come out. Let Da Bai and Chi Chi join the barbecue team.

When Dabai, there was a moment when Chi Chi came out, he was attracted by the smell of barbecue.

"Does this kid Mo Yuan?" Chi Chi blinked and looked at Luo Xiaoman questioningly.

"Of course, besides Yuan, who can make such a delicious barbecue?" Luo Xiaoman said proudly.

"Haha, little master, you are so kind!" said with a grin: "You are welcome, then!"

Suddenly, she pecked off a piece of meat and ate it happily.

Da Bai was not far behind, and he screamed and joined the ranks of tasting delicious food.

"Tsk tsk, this kid is cool, the barbecue that he makes is really good." Chi Chi let out a sigh, his taste buds were conquered by Mo Yuan's barbecue. "Sister, admit that you are the little master's man."

Originally Mo Yuan had some opinions on Chi Chi, but when he heard these words, he felt inexplicably comfortable.

"Ooooooo!!" Da Bai cried, seeming to recognize this, and even Mo Yuan's bullying of him in the past was written off for the sake of good food.


No grievances can't be solved by a delicious meal, if there is, then two meals!

"Oooh, it's delicious!"

"Sister Chi Chi, save some for others!"

"Hey, hands are fast, but hands are not slow!"


"Wow, you are crazy! I haven't eaten much yet!"

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