"Have you heard a word?" Mo Yuan raised his eyes slightly, and those deep eyes showed a sharp divine light.


"In the face of absolute power, any trick is a trifling matter!"

When the words fell, Mo Yuan raised his hand, and the red Yan Prison flew out, like a dragon going out to the sea, rushing towards the battlefield.

Mr. Mou's pupils shrank, feeling the overbearing power of Yan Prison, and immediately manipulated various attribute attacks, all coming over to intercept this sea dragon.

However, the flood dragon transformed by Yan Prison was extremely overbearing, hitting these attribute attacks, and instantly annihilated it.


Sword trembling dragon yin, invincible!

In the next second, Yan Prison smashed all obstacles and smashed into the barrier. The terrifying power burst out instantly, and the battle formation was disintegrated.

Bang bang bang!

There was a burst of explosions, and I saw many Shura fighters flying out one after another.

Under the impact of this force, they all suffered heavy losses and lost their combat effectiveness.

"Mr. Mou?!" Bimeng widened three pairs of eyes and looked at this scene in disbelief. He had personally experienced this battlefield, and there was no way to break it, but now he was easily broken by the man in front of him. , How strong should he be?



At this moment, Chi Chi and Da Bai rushed over, and they immediately launched a violent attack on the Bimeng Shura soldiers.

"What kind of strange beast is this again?" Bimen was panicked, and the successive changes caught him by surprise.

"Beimeng!" Luo Xiaoman stood up again, took a lollipop in his mouth, and said lightly: "I now give you two choices, either surrender to me or die!"

Bimeng's heart tightened, looking at Luo Xiaoman with a complicated expression. "Could it be that you are the agent of King Shura who has spread so much during this time?"

"Not bad!" Luo Xiaoman curled his lips, turned the lollipop in his mouth, and smiled lightly: "As long as you believe in King Shura, you are all citizens of King Shura, and you can be forgiven."

"Dreaming!" Bimen gritted his teeth, then raised six arms and pushed forward violently.

Suddenly, countless black haze surging out, wherever it passes, no grass grows, like a deadly place.

"My messenger, this is Bimon's ability, the plague!!" Ruth quickly reminded: "Don't be touched by these haze, otherwise you will get the plague and there is no cure."

"Plague?" Luo Xiaoman squinted his eyes and sneered: "Then, I happen to have something to deal with the plague. Chi Chi, come over and burn the haze!"

"Come on!" Chi Chi flapped his wings, and with a sigh, he stood in front of Luo Xiaoman. Immediately afterwards, she flapped her wings violently, and a flame surged out toward the haze.

The flames of Chi Chi were not ordinary fire, but the flames of Chi Sha that burned everything. When confronted with these plagues, it was naturally annihilated instantly.

"How is it possible?" Bimeng was stunned, looking blankly at the raging flames that swept over him, and had lost his fighting spirit.

"General Beamon, stay away!" Mr. Mou exclaimed. Seeing that he was indifferent, he immediately jumped up and threw him to the ground.

boom! !

The flame exploded and turned into a sky full of sparks, falling on the Asura fighters.

These Asura warriors were contaminated by sparks, and instantly became blazing, as if they were burned with kerosene, no matter how they beat them, they couldn't put them out.

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