"Beamon, I firmly believe that Lord Envoy will lead the Asura clan to the top again." Ruth glanced at Luo Xiaoman and said with a firm expression: "The Asura clan has been in civil war for a long time, and the appearance of Lord Envoy just broke this situation. So this is the hope of the Shura clan."

"Hehe, you are too naive." Bimeng shook his head and said coldly: "When she takes control of the entire Asura clan, you will find that all this is just a scam. When you wake up, it will be too late. ."

"Remember my words. You will be one of the sinners who will destroy the Shura tribe."

After speaking, Bimeng's eyes widened, and cracks appeared on his skin, which instantly turned into flying ash.

"This..." Luo Xiaoman raised his eyebrows and looked at Ruth suspiciously.

Ruth's eyes darkened, and she said quietly: "Beimeng chose to break herself. In the Asura clan, this is the last step that every Asura master has taken to preserve the last trace of dignity."

Luo Xiaoman shrugged and didn't care. She could see that Bimun was a very stubborn Shura, unable to use it for herself, so death was his destination!

"Xiaoman, how does he deal with it?" Mo Yuan lifted Mr. Mou up and left him in front of Luo Xiaoman casually.

"Master!" At this moment, Ming Chan walked over and looked at Luo Xiaoman earnestly.

Luo Xiaoman read the meaning from his eyes, then nodded and said: "He will leave it to you."

"Thank you, Master." Ming Chan expressed gratitude, and then his eyes fell on Mr. Mou.

Looking at Mr. Mou, who is still in the mist, his heart is mixed. Although this old man has raised himself for so many years in order to capture his twin soul, he would have died if it hadn’t been for more than ten years. A foreign land.

"Hehe, Chan'er, you must hate me now, right?" Mr. Mou eased his energy and struggled to get up. "Want to kill me to vent my hatred."

"Yes! I hate you very much." Ming Chan clenched his fists and stared at Mr. Mou fiercely. "But, I have to thank you. If it weren't for your upbringing for so many years, I would not have lived now."

"So? You want to give me the twin souls?" Mr. Mou twitched his mouth and looked at Ming Chan mockingly.

Suddenly, Ming Chan raised his hand, grabbed his chest abruptly, and yanked another soul out. "You want a twin soul, I will give it to you!"

Mr. Mou's pupils shrank and he looked at Ming Chan blankly, completely unexpected that this kid would forcibly pull the twin soul out by himself.

"You will die if you do this!"

For a moment, everyone looked at Ming Chan in disbelief.

Luo Xiaoman squinted her eyes, but did not move. She believed in Ming Chan's decision.

"What I owe you must be paid off. From now on, we will have nothing to do with you!!" Ming Chan roared and suddenly pulled out another soul.

When this soul was pulled out, his vitality became weak, and he would die at any time.

Mr. Mou looked at Ming Chan with a complicated expression, and suddenly grabbed Ming Chan's soul. "Tsk, this is your own choice, don't blame me."

"Old man, we are all cleaned up."

However, when Ming Chan felt that his eyes were black and he was about to pass out, Mr. Mou pulled his soul out.

He merged his soul with Ming Chan's soul, and then photographed Ming Chan's body.

This series of movements blinded everyone!

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