Seeing this scene, Luo Xiaoman was also sighed.

In order to repair the twin souls of Ming Chan, Mr. Mou was very hard-working, and she could even guess that the reason why he worked for Beamon was nothing more than to survive in this Shura Dao.

As for why he appeared here, it doesn't matter anymore.

However, she admired Mr. Mou's layout very much. Perhaps he would never have thought that Ming Chan would appear here, but it turned out that such a scene was performed in such a short time.

"Xiao Ming, be sad." Luo Xiaoman walked over, patted Ming Chan's shoulder lightly, and comforted: "Mr. Mou gave you a perfect twin soul. You must be grateful, not depressed. "

"I understand." Ming Chan wiped his face, then picked up Mr. Mou's corpse, and said quietly: "I will live on the old man's share."

He turned around and said, "Master, I want to be alone first."

"it is good!"

Suddenly, Ming Chan's figure moved, but he broke through the air.

Luo Xiaoman raised his eyebrows, his heart was dark, he couldn't think of perfecting the twin souls, Xiao Ming's strength had increased so much, he had reached the stage of transforming gods directly, and could fly in the air.

With his dark thunder curse and twin souls, there are few opponents in the transformation stage.

Then, she set her eyes on the remaining subordinates of Beamon.

Many Shura fighters met her eyes and panicked inexplicably.



"All of them are collected. If anyone doesn't want to surrender, then send him to see Beamon."


Suddenly, Lu Si led the Shura warriors, and included the Shura warriors of Beamon.

In the face of absolute power, there is still the name of the agent of King Shura, these Shura fighters dare not make a second, and obediently surrender to Luo Xiaoman.

What's more, the Shura people advocate force. Since Luo Xiaoman is so strong now, there is no reason for them to resist.

In a short while, the Asura warriors of Beamon were all collected by Ruth.

"My Envoy, we found traces of the Guru tribe not far away." At this moment, Ruth walked back and reported the situation to Luo Xiaoman.

"Porch, and Stoudemire, do you see it?" Luo Xiaoman worried.

Ruth didn't reply, but stood aside.

Suddenly, Boqi and Xiao Si rushed over and stood in front of Luo Xiaoman.

"My Envoy, we are relieved to see you safe and sound." Poqi said excitedly.

Luo Xiaoman hooked his lips, raised his hand to touch Stoudemire’s head, and said faintly: “A general Shura in a small area, is he an opponent of King Shura’s agent? By the way, how did you escape Bimon? Chasing?"

With the strength of the Guru clan, it was impossible to stop the attacks of the Shura soldiers of Bimon. They are now safe and sound, but it makes her very surprised.

"Although the strength of the Guru clan is weak, in this underground, as long as they want to hide, there is no Shura to catch it." Poqi explained: "Unfortunately, our strength is too weak to bring the situation to the messenger. Fortunately, the envoy is so powerful that he was not ambushed by Bimon."

"It's okay, you'll be fine."

"Hey, Lord Envoy, what about another Lord Envoy?" Xiao Si looked here and there, but he didn't see Ming Chan, so he couldn't help but wonder.

"Xiao Ming has something to do, leave for a while." Luo Xiaoman also didn't want to elaborate. After all, Ming Chan's affairs are a bit complicated, and it can't be said clearly in a few words.

"My Envoy, what are we going to do next?" Here, Ruth asked suspiciously.

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