Luo Xiaoman scratched Chi Chi's head, then stood out and said loudly: "Everyone, I am the agent of King Shura, Luo Xiaoman. I came to the Green Rock Tribe today to be brought back to King Shura's command. You consider yourself to be the pious people of King Shura, and you can all be protected by King Shura."

"Agent of King Shura?" All the Shura were dumbfounded, and they looked at each other, as if they couldn't think of why such a thing suddenly popped out of Shura Dao.

"Not bad!" Ruth stood up, and then Luo Xiaoman said, "I am not betraying, but supporting our king. Only by trusting in King Shura can the Shura clan become stronger."

"Huh, do you say that you are the agent of King Shura?"

"That's right! I doubt it now, you are under the guise of King Shura, wanting to disadvantage our Green Rock Tribe."

Luo Xiaoman squinted his eyes, these guys were very smart, and realized the truth inside by mistake. But how could she let these guys down?

"Come out, the incarnation of King Shura!"

Suddenly, the general descended from the sky and fell heavily to the ground.

Mo Yuan was stunned, and looked at Luo Xiaoman blankly. When did Xiaoman become so second?

Perhaps because of his gaze, Luo Xiaoman's face blushed, and he hummed: "Yuan, what are you looking at? Hurry and hide!"

"Okay!" Mo Yuan nodded, then stood aside. He also wanted to see how Xiao Man would toss next, and sometimes it was very enjoyable to see this little guy fooling others.

"Boy Mo Yuan, do you want some popcorn?" At this moment, Chi Chi came over, maybe after eating his barbecue several times, his attitude was much better. "If you don't eat melons in the theater, it's half the fun. However, the sister doesn't have melon seeds, but there are a lot of popcorn.

Mo Yuan squinted at her, the corners of his mouth twitched, and said coldly, "Go away!"

"Oh, elder sister kindly gave you popcorn. You let elder sister roll, don't you curse?" Chi Chi was unhappy, flapping a pair of wings, and was about to turn on the stun mode.

At this moment, Mo Yuan grabbed Chi Chi and stuffed it into Ruth's arms!

Ruth is dumbfounded!

What's happening here?

"Fuck her!"

"Ah? Oh, okay, okay!" Suddenly, Ruth held Chi Chi with both hands, and the other four hands started to lift up.

Suddenly, Chi Chi lost his temper and was immersed in the ultimate pleasure of being smoothed by his four hands.

Da Bai next to him saw this scene, and his heart was dark, Sister Chi had encountered a lore! However, he also wanted to experience the feeling of being smooth by four hands!

"Four faces and six arms, this, is this really the incarnation of King Shura?" At this time, Shura of the Green Rock tribe who saw the general's eyes widened and said in disbelief.

"Impossible! Hasn't King Shura fallen already? How could it suddenly appear?"

"Presumptuous!" Ruth drew out her long whip, whipped the ground fiercely, and said softly: "King Shura, is an eternal existence, how could he fall? He was just injured and fell asleep. , Now it’s just returning."

Many Asuras were dubious, but the power exuded by the general really made people nervous.

"Oh, Ruth, why don't you say hello when you are here?" At this moment, a three-faced Shura with a big belly came out and looked at Ruth with a sweet smile.

"Pika, are you finally able to give it up?" Ruth squinted her eyes and stared coldly at the pooping Shura.

Luo Xiaoman raised his eyebrows, and the pickup in front of him had a big belly. All three faces were round, and he was a big fat man. It even gave people a lovely illusion.

Tsk tsk, I can't imagine that there is such a strange thing among the four great generals of Shura.

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