The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1372: The opponent's counterattack!

"Attacks are not counted, at most it is to scare them." Luo Xiaoman sat down on Da Bai's back, dangling his feet, and said lightly.

She knew that with Mo Yuan's strength, there was no problem at all to launch an attack on the northern Heisha tribe from here.

Boom boom boom!

At this time, everything that the lollipop stick passed by, any obstruction was penetrated instantly, even a mountain or a piece of rock, there was no way to stop it for half a minute.

Picka swallowed and looked at Mo Yuan in horror. This guy's strength was too terrifying. It was just a stick, but it was comparable to others' strongest killer moves. It was really not too scary.

He couldn't help secretly being lucky. Fortunately, he reacted quickly just now and didn't confront these guys, otherwise, the Green Rock Tribe would become history.

"Okay, we..."

Just as Luo Xiaoman was about to greet the others, ready to set off, a black light suddenly flew over from the north.

Mo Yuan was startled slightly, then raised his hand to catch the black light.

When he saw this black light clearly, his pupils suddenly shrank. Isn't this the lollipop stick thrown out just now? Flew back now?

"Yuan?!" Luo Xiaoman frowned, seeing this lollipop stick flying back, realizing that something was not so good.

"Heh, it seems that this Annihilation Shura is stronger than imagined." Mo Yuan narrowed his eyes and sneered. "Xiaoman, we can be less boring."

"What the hell!?" Here, the pickup was blown up. "Annihilate Asura, even though it is the strongest among the four major Asura generals, it is impossible to be better than the Envoy!"

"Not bad!" At this moment, Ruth also came over and said in a deep voice: "Annihilate Shura, Osiris is a bit better than Bimon, and can't catch this lollipop stick at all. Throw it back."

"Interesting!" Luo Xiaoman touched his nose, always calm and calm, said: "Ruth, there are pickups, you stay and integrate the rest of Shura. This time, we can go."

"No!" Ruth shook her head, and said firmly, "As the people of King Shura, how can we let the Envoy take risks!"

"Don't worry." Luo Xiaoman smiled slightly and said disapprovingly: "You follow, it's just a drag."

This sentence is very heartbreaking, but very true.

Ruth and Pickup looked at each other. If they followed, they would probably be watching the show and playing soy sauce.

Yiluo Xiaoman and Mo Yuan's strength are enough to deal with the threat of the entire Asura clan, let alone the Heisha tribe that annihilated Asura.

"Okay!" Ruth sighed and said quietly: "We are here to integrate the other Asuras who are scattered, and then wait for the envoy to triumph."

Pickup nodded his head again and again, this result could not be better, he didn't want to go on an adventure with him.

Even if Luo Xiaoman and Mo Yuan are very strong, who knows if he will lie down innocently? He didn't have enough confidence to challenge Osiris.

Soon, Luo Xiaoman and Mo Yuan came to the north, the Heisha tribe.

When they set foot here, they all frowned, and there was a thick breath of death in the air.

"What's going on here?" Luo Xiaoman frowned, constantly looking at the surrounding situation. "Why is there such a strong life."

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