Seeing this big hammer, Osiris' pupils shrank, revealing a trace of panic, as if he had been dominated by this big hammer.

Could it be that the other soul in his body had fought against this little guy?

"Come out!!" Osiris gritted his teeth and suddenly raised his hand.

Suddenly, the lifelessness on his body skyrocketed, and countless ghosts emerged from all around, and surrounded him with him as the center.

The appearance of these ghosts turned out to be dead animals. After they were swallowed by Osiris, they became a part of them, and now they have to work for them.

This is to squeeze the value of the alien beast to the extreme!

Mo Yuan stomped his feet calmly, and a devilish energy surged over his body, quickly protecting him and Luo Xiaoman.

For a time, under the protection of the devilish energy, the ghosts of these alien beasts could not cause them harm.

Osiris frowned, staring at the big hammer in Luo Xiaoman's hand, feeling a little flustered in his heart.

"Three forms of breaking the sky, the second form, desperate!!"

At this moment, Luo Xiaoman's ultimate move was brewed, swinging a big hammer, and slamming towards Osiris.

Osiris' pupils shrank, and just as he was about to avoid him, he felt a strong pressure hit, and he stayed in place.

"What kind of trick is this?!"

He widened his eyes and watched the big hammer hit.

However, before the big hammer fell, a terrifying force struck first, and his soul flew out.



Osiris roared, and at the same time a dragon roar exploded, only to see a translucent dragon separated from his body.

"Black Flame?!" Luo Xiaoman was stunned, then understood in his heart, and sneered: "Unexpectedly, you escaped here, and you also robbed of Annihilation Shura, do you want your dragon dignity?"

"Luo Xiaoman!!" Hei Yan stared at Luo Xiaoman grimly. "Why do you want to destroy this good thing over and over again."

"Um, I can only say that, you are unlucky!" Luo Xiaoman spread his hands and said helplessly: "I was going to incorporate the Black Sand Tribe, who knew you had taken Osiris!"

"Xiaoman, do you want to kill him directly?" Mo Yuan turned around and looked at Luo Xiaoman questioningly.

"It's you?!" Hei Yan saw Mo Yuan, his pupils shrank, showing a frightened expression. "Why are you with this little guy?"

"Is it weird?" Luo Xiaoman tilted his head and said lightly: "He is my man!"

Heiyan is dumbfounded!

He was very clear about Mo Yuan's strength, even if he had robbed Osiris now, he would not be an opponent.

The reason why Osiris was evenly divided with him just now was because they didn't get serious at all.

"Hei Yan, go ahead." Luo Xiaoman carried a hammer, hooked his lips, and said jokingly: "How do you want to die?"

"Luo Xiaoman, don't forget, if there is no guidance from this seat, you will not be able to activate the Hao Tianzhu."

"Sorry, I'm going to disappoint you." Luo Xiaoman took out the Hao Dzi Bead, squeezed it in his hand, and said lightly: "I have activated the Hao Dzi Bead, and it fits me very well."

"What!?" Hei Yan's pupils shrank and looked at Luo Xiaoman in disbelief. He could feel that Hao Tianzhu was indeed fettered with Luo Xiaoman.

How can this be?

Luo Xiaoman doesn't have the power of space, how did he activate the Hao Dzi?

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