The Strongest Little Devil: Master, Come to Fight!

Chapter 1396: The tricks hidden in the seal!

At this moment, Ying Tiao, who was lying on Ming Chan's shoulders, raised his eyes slightly, glanced at Luo Xiaoman in the sky, his pupils suddenly shrank, and then rushed out.

"Oh? What's the situation?" Ming Chan was startled slightly, unexpectedly that Ying Xiao would react like this, just like Luo Xiaoman would have an accident.

"Moo!" In mid-air, Ying Xiao let out a low growl, and then the blue light flashed, transforming into a battle armor, and put it on Luo Xiaoman's body.

Luo Xiaoman was startled slightly, and said with a puzzled look: "Xiaoying, what's the matter?"

"Little Master, Big Brother Ying Xiao said that the power rules here are a bit strange, I'm afraid they are not as simple as we thought!" Chi Chi said quickly.

"Huh?" Luo Xiaoman frowned, glanced at the surrounding scenery dignifiedly, and found that a thick black air suddenly spread around him.

With the appearance of these black qi, the speed of Hao Tianzhu's absorption of aura unexpectedly slowed down.

"What's the matter?" Luo Xiaoman frowned tightly, dark in his heart, this black air seemed to be similar, but he couldn't tell for a while.

"It was the reaction caused by the Hao Tianzhu that touched the seal." At this moment, Mo Yuan squinted his eyes and said lightly: "I'm afraid it won't be so easy if we want to unlock the power rules of Shura Dao."

"Huh, no matter what, the power rules of the Asura Dao must be restored." Luo Xiaoman's expression was solemn, and he began to actively operate the Hao Tianzhu.

Shura Dao, but the important combat power for attacking the ethereal world of immortality in the future, if the seal is not unlocked, this combat power would be useless at all.


With Luo Xiaoman's rotation, Hao Tianzhu shivered fiercely, constantly absorbing the aura around him.

At the same time, Mo Yuan didn't bear it either. Standing in front of Luo Xiaoman, he released a strong demon energy, prompting Hao Tianzhu to absorb the aura around him more frantically.

However, when the movement of the Hao Tianzhu became fierce, the surrounding black energy also surrounded more quickly.

"Ah!!!" At this moment, a Shura touched these black qi and couldn't help exclaiming, then he was swallowed and wiped out.

"Not good!!" Pika's eyes widened and exclaimed: "All Shura obeys orders, hurry up and avoid them, don't touch these black anger."

For a time, the scene was a bit chaotic.

None of the Asuras thought that such a change would occur at the originally festive moment. These black auras were like a heavenly condemnation, the rhythm of destroying the Asura Dao.

"They are all hiding behind me!" Ming Chan stood up, the golden light on his body was so powerful that he blocked the black energy.

Seeing that his twin soul characteristics can resist these black qi, it means that these black qi are evil things.

But where does such a heavy evil thing come from?

"Hey!" At this moment, Chi Chi also joined the ranks of resisting the black energy, and the fiery flames surged out, continuously burning the black energy.

With Ming Chan and Chi Chi's protection, the Asuras were able to breathe, they all looked at the black energy that surrounded them with horror, but they were powerless to resist.

The only things they could rely on were Luo Xiaoman and Mo Yuan who were working hard in the air.

"Yuan, I suddenly felt that the seal of this power rule is not only blocking the power of the Shura clan, but also refining their power."


"If it's just a seal, there can be no such reaction." Luo Xiaoman's eyes flashed with a mysterious light. "In other words, there have always been people paying close attention to the Asura Dao, and secretly refining their power for their own use."

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